Compass Club NPB Summer 2017

Started by Holmey, July 28, 2016, 03:28:45 PM

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Hi all, I did see a few messages on here the other day that seemed to suggest the Compass club rooms at NPB were already booked up for Summer 2107. I spoke to The DLP booking line yesterdays as I was booking for August 2017 at NPB and as Compass hadn't come up as an option on-line I thought the same that these rooms were fully booked. I spoke to an advisor to make my booking and these rooms are still available but just havn't been released yet, they are booking standard rooms for now then you can upgrade when available which they are from October this year when the new brochure comes out. So I booked standard lake-side for now to make sure got a room and will upgrade in October. She did tell me they have taken lots of bookings for Summer 2017 already and they assumed it was due to the anniversary and some people skipping this year with the closures so all still available. Yeah!!!!


Good point, thank you for sharing.
I want to go on the celebration day but holding back with my reservation as without special offers it's too expensive for me. I expect special offers will be available by October.


Does it cost a lot more for a lake view room? I've booked for April but booked online and didn't see the option to book a lake view room, would love one if we could get one though! I know we can't afford the compass club upgrade but might be able to afford a small upgrade to lakeview


I booked a 5 day/ 4 night break and the difference to a lake-side room was only £76 so well worth it. I would also add that you can book at the moment for August 2017 and get it at this years price and with the current free night offer so I'm glad I made the call as it was a great deal and I can relax as got it booked already for what is going to be a busy year.


I think I might give them a call, for £76 it would be silly not too. Will speak to my husband and see what he thinks. Thanks


 Hope you get's great to start the day to that view and at night it's gorgeous.x


I'm booked into a lake side view at the NPB next September. Cost £836 in total disregarding insurance and city tax etc. You should be able to change the room type at your booking screen if you're booking through the website. If not, you can call up and book or upgrade over the phone with no extra surprise fee's. I was originally booked into Santa and upgraded to NPB lakeside view for only £271 extra :D so it's definitely worth it!!

Will be upgrading to a Compass Club lake view hopefully when they become available so really glad I was given the same information when I tried to upgrade to CC as well :)
August 2001 DLP, 3 days
September 2013 DLP, 4 nights 5 days, Santa Fe
September 2014 DLP, 4 nights, 5 days, Santa Fe
March 2015 DLP, 4 nights, 5 days. Sequoia Lodge
September 2017 DLP, 4 nights, 5 days, Newport Bay
November 2018 WDW, 14 nights, 15 days, Caribbean Beach Resort


this was what i suspected as when i last looked as only the uk had the option to book that far in advance so it makes sense they would hold most of the rooms back :)