what rides will I be allowed my GoPro on?

Started by dementedde, May 15, 2015, 06:10:08 PM

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I'm going to both parks next week and I was wondering what rides, attractions and shows I can and cannot take me GoPro on to film?


Broadly, video cameras are not permitted on indoor rides. They would also be a danger of losing it on Big Thunder Mountain or Indiana Jones et le Temple du Peril.

Of course what the CMs don't know won't hurt them ;)

Slimy yet satisfying

Of course what the CM dont know wont hurt them....you muppet!
Went on BTM last Christmas with someone two cars in front of us who had one. It came off and flew backwards hitting several people including us and our children.  So yeah if you are stupid and selfish then the CM wont hurt you but the injured passengers will! How about people think of why the rules are there rather than trying to find ways of breaking them. I bet you r the kind of person who uses a flash all the way through phantom manor too.
Have a great trip, glad we wont be there at the same time.
1992 Honeymoon DH
1994 Oct DH, 1996 Jan DH, 1998 Oct DH, 2000 Oct DCR, 2002 Jan SL....too many babies so a big break...2010 Mar SF, 2011 Mar SF, 2013 Jan Kyriad, 2013 Apr Gite, 2013 Oct Gite + 2nts DC, 2014 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 Oct Gite, 2016 Jan Gite, 2016 Easter Kyriad, 2016 June Explorers, 2016/7 NY Dream Castle and Gite, 2017 Feb Cheyenne , 2017 May Dream Castle,  2017/8 NY/Jan Gite, 2018 Feb Dream Castle Hotel, 2018 Nov Dream Castle, 2019 Feb Santa Fe.


Yes slimy yet satisfying... I do use the flash on the Phantom manor, I also use a laser pen on the castle for when the fireworks display is on, and wear a really tall hat for when sitting to watch Cinemagique and the moteurs show... no, I don't do any of these things, nor have I ever let my precious gopro smack people in the face... my camera is too expensive for that. So I'm afraid you don't know me as well as you like to think you do, but thank you for your lovely post all the same

Slimy yet satisfying

My post was aimed at your responder rather than those who ask which rides will be allowed. But as your post suggests you too are irritated by selfish and thoughtless guests who in their wish to capture a holiday moment will in some cases recklessly spoil others enjoyment or indeed safety. Those who feel they can do what they like because they are on holiday are always going to exist, i just dont want this forum to become a "how to" for tips.
1992 Honeymoon DH
1994 Oct DH, 1996 Jan DH, 1998 Oct DH, 2000 Oct DCR, 2002 Jan SL....too many babies so a big break...2010 Mar SF, 2011 Mar SF, 2013 Jan Kyriad, 2013 Apr Gite, 2013 Oct Gite + 2nts DC, 2014 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 Oct Gite, 2016 Jan Gite, 2016 Easter Kyriad, 2016 June Explorers, 2016/7 NY Dream Castle and Gite, 2017 Feb Cheyenne , 2017 May Dream Castle,  2017/8 NY/Jan Gite, 2018 Feb Dream Castle Hotel, 2018 Nov Dream Castle, 2019 Feb Santa Fe.

DLRP Roundup!

You can wear a gopro on most rides, some CMs don't trust them so ask for them to be taken off but I've rode Indiana etc with one. Usually if you have a decent strap like a chest mount or head harness they're ok with it.
The Roundup
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My daughter sed the video setting on her camera on everything, including all the rides.  She has a neck strap and made sure it was secure around her neck and it was fine, even on BTM, Indianna Jones and Phatom Manor rides.  Mind in the latter all you can hear is my screaming lol

If you go into the trip reports and click on the post 'my experience in 4.5 minutes' the can see some of her video footage in the youtube clip,she it together.  Not once was she told to put it away from any CM


Quote from: Slimy yet satisfying on May 16, 2015, 09:15:27 AM
My post was aimed at your responder rather than those who ask which rides will be allowed. But as your post suggests you too are irritated by selfish and thoughtless guests who in their wish to capture a holiday moment will in some cases recklessly spoil others enjoyment or indeed safety. Those who feel they can do what they like because they are on holiday are always going to exist, i just dont want this forum to become a "how to" for tips.

Ah sorry. Yeah there are loads of things I can think of that irritates me about the general public in theme parks. Only let the enthusiasts in, that's what I say. They are respectful; no queue cutting, no pushing etc. Unfortunately as much as I love Disney they are all about the money. So they're more lenient than I personally think they should be to keep EVERYONE happy to encourage revisits. It's all business, which I understand, but it's annoying how much people get away with there


Thank you all. I'll have a look at the video now essexmum :)


Quote from: Slimy yet satisfying on May 16, 2015, 12:18:55 AM
Of course what the CM dont know wont hurt them....you muppet!
Went on BTM last Christmas with someone two cars in front of us who had one. It came off and flew backwards hitting several people including us and our children.  So yeah if you are stupid and selfish then the CM wont hurt you but the injured passengers will! How about people think of why the rules are there rather than trying to find ways of breaking them. I bet you r the kind of person who uses a flash all the way through phantom manor too.
Have a great trip, glad we wont be there at the same time.

For the record, no I don't break the park rules, and I'm sorry that you had a bad experience. But assuming what other people do and don't do is not nice.


I have to agree that if a ride states you can't do something, you shouldn't be doing it.
There's indeed probably good reasons against it, and to be perfectly fair, everyone that does it (regardless how well they've secured their equipment etc etc etc) is setting a bad example for the numbnuts that have zero consideration for other guests, resulting in a lot of unpleasantness.
If it's clearly indicated you can't do it, just don't do it.