Many Questions...answers please

Started by rocker, April 17, 2015, 02:10:44 PM

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Off to DLP tomorrow -  :)

Been a few times but this is my first time staying at a DLP hotel so this has presented a few questions.  We're staying at the Cheyenne, although I know the parks pretty well, I've never really ventured into Disney Village or the hotels.

1. Are there convenience shops in the Village/Cheyenne where I can pick up milk, a baguette & snacks? We're bringing a mini fridge & a kettle for my room so I'll have fresh milk for teas & my small daughter!!

2. We will be two adults + one child.  For reasons way too boring to explain, we're half board but we will in fact be one adult & two children so I will need to pay the excess when dining.  What are the euro cash values printed on the dining vouchers for both adults & children? (standard dining option)

3. Will I be able to use the cash value of the spare child's meal voucher against an adult buffet meal in Plaza Gardens etc? Or will they only accept the voucher's cash value in table service restaurants?

4. Dining & pause gourmand vouchers... Are they dated from the start until the end of our stay so I can use them any day any way I like? or are they only valid for one day each?

5. Could I use several of the spare kiddies spare meal vouchers towards the same meal or would they insist on one voucher then remainder to be paid in cash?

6. My nephew was supposed to come but he's not well so not coming.  Will I be able to use his unused ticket to get us an extra fast pass? Or must they be scanned at park entry to become valid?

6a. Assuming they do need to be scanned on entry to become live, what about if used one pass to get into Disney Studios in the morning & then went to the main park in the afternoon & scanned the other pass would they then both become valid or does a ticket need to be scanned for entry to the specific park to become usable.

Thanks in advance for any advice fellow Disney enthusiasts.  :)


Hi rocker,

I'll try to answer as much as I can and know:

1. Shops - we usually shop at the Train Station (between Village and entrances). There is cheap and they hava everything. But if you buy beer for example you will be not allowed to walk to the Village, you can only take the free bus directly to the hotel. Another cheap place is the gas station at Santa Fe Hotel. Snacks can be found also in the shop of Cheyenne, but it's more expensive.

2. The difference between standart meal voucher adult / child is EUR 13. Adult costs EUR 27 and child EUR 14.

3. They are accepted everywhere, no matter table or buffet.

4. I am not sure you can? Somebody help. And there is a time when you can use it - maybe between 15h and 19h, as I remember.

5. I think you can not.

6. and 7. Don't know. But from the logic - you paid for the ticket, you should be able to use all the benefits from it.

08.1993 - DL Tokyo; 05.2010 - DLP; 11.2010 - DLP; 09.2013 - DLP; 09.2014 - DLP; 11.2015 - DLP
It's a small world after all


In regards to 6 and 6a, you can have a fast pass for a studios ride at the same time as a main park fastpass.


The meal vouchers are dated for your stay but can be used on any day or multiple times in one day. For example we ate at McDonalds one night so used two sets of vouchers the following day for lunch and tea. We have also used two sets of pause gaumand in one day too.


Re 3. I don't know about Plaza Gardens, but we were able to do this at Annette's, which was very helpful.
4. You can use them as you want. We ended up with lots of Pause Gourmande vouchers, and used them to buy snacks for the trip home.
[size=85]1972 - Disneyland; 1974 - WDW; 1988 - Disneyland; 1996 - Disneyland; 1998 - Disneyland; 2000 - Disneyland; 2003 - WDW (Coronado Springs & Grosvenor Resort); 2009 - DLP (Newport Bay Club); October 2010 - DLP (Sequoia Lodge); October 2014 (Disneyland Hotel); September 2015 (Sequoia Lodge); March 2017 (Sequoia Lodge GF)