Promo parcs ce multivantages offer since it has become french only

Started by flickmcktur, July 03, 2014, 08:58:30 PM

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so we have previously been taking advantage of the promo parcs annual pass offers but noticed this time I went to book it said only available to the french territory. I have a friend who is happy to post on the passes from her french address and is also happy for us to give her address to disneyland but we obviously don't have any proof we live there and our ID would be uk passports. I was wondering if anyone had already done this and been successful or if they knew that we wouldn't be accepted at the gate.



Thanks I just emailed them.
Still if anyone has any experience of this would be good to know. I was gutted when I found it had changed we went loads last time we had them and getting the EMH was so handy we were able to get the kids on all their favourites flying dumbos, Peter Pan and buzz light year before breakfast


It's possible they won't have a problem, since they accept it when people make reservations on websites other than the ones of their country of residence. But it was wise of you to contact them and get an official response.


The rules have really toughened up I'm afraid and now not only do you need a french address, you also have to pay with a french credit card AND have a special code showing you are part of certain french companies and or organisations that are entitled to these special offers. If you manage all of this though you should not have any problems exchanging the tickets in the park lol

(this is assuming you are talking about the heavily discounted combined adult and kids tickets - you can still order the normal price tickets through them)

captain rocket

Maybe the problem here is that no UK companies offer the chance to buy discounted tickets, I wonder why that should be. Are Disney discriminating in favour of French citizens and is this legal under EU rules. It certainly seems like positive discrimination to me!
I am a shareholder so enjoy a shareholders discount and recently renewed my pass with the 18 months for the price of 12 rule
so I should'nt feel to agrieved.


The point is that certain companies, civil service etc etc, pay hefty membership fees to these companies to enable their staff to buy discounted tickets. There is probably nothing to stop a UK company from doing the same tbh, so I dont think it is illegal or unfair imo. Here in Holland you can also get better deals on certain things then people from outside of the country can get for the same reason. I am sure lots of british companies offer perks to their staff in the form of reductions in certain places?

captain rocket

I accept your point Amanda08, many COMPANIES will do exclusive deals with organizations, but  Promo parcs sell direct to the public and I would challenge their right, in the European Community, to discriminate between the citizens of speciifc EU members. Maybe someone who is more conversant with EU law may venture an opinion?
If it is not against any EU laws should Disney be supplying product to a company that discriminates in this way? I know Disney themselves make different offers in different countries, but they will honour any discount offered on their various sites if you phone them.


Also a good point - and don't get me wrong - we have taken advantage of those great deals ourselves in the past and do miss them :(