Those magical Disney moments

Started by Laurence, February 25, 2014, 05:25:16 PM

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What are those magical Disney moments that stick in your memory? Is there something that always springs into your mind when you think of Disneyland Paris?

I have a couple of moments.

The first would be from January 2012. It was the first time we took my twins to DLP who were 9 months old at the time. Due to their age, we tended to avoid characters as we didn't want to scare the kids. However, on the last day, lots of attractions where shut due to a record amount of snowfall (which makes it another memorable holiday) and the park was very quiet. So quiet in fact that Meet Mickey Mouse was a walk on.

Deciding it was the last day and we had nothing to lose, we took the twins in to meet the big man himself. We were quickly 'backstage' with Mickey and were eagerly awaiting introducing the kids to Mouse, if a bit apprehensive to their reaction!

We entered the room. I was carrying my little boy who, upon seeing Mickey Mouse, stretched his arms out in front of him towards Mickey and his face was covered in such a big smile that his dummy fell out of his mouth.

We approached Mickey Mouse only for my little man to grab Mickey's face and give him a kiss right on the end of his nose. I'll be honest, I was welling up with tears in my eyes at this point. It was such a magical moment.

My daughter came in and met Mickey as well. She was also happy to see him and also had a lovely reaction. We soon had some pictures taken with Mickey and the kids both had some of the biggest smiles I had ever seen.

As we left the room, my little boy was waving to Mickey who was waving back. They both kept on waving to each other all the way out of the door. I looked back at the last moment and saw Mickey and the photographer looking at each other and both had such great body language between them and they genuinely looked like they loved meeting my kids,

We looked at the pictures and they were so great and the photographer had done such a great job. There is an absolutely perfect picture of my little man giving Mickey a big kiss on his nose and a great picture of all of us with the babies smiling in such amazement that we just had to buy the pictures. They still take pride of place on our mantelpiece today.

Wow, sorry that went on for so long! My second magical Disney moment will hopefully be a bit shorter.

We went back to Disney a few weeks ago with the babies now 21 months old. My daughter has become absolutely fascinated by pirates (I think it's down to Jake and the Neverland Pirates on Disney Jr). She calls them yo-hos which is so cute.

We'd been telling her for a few days that we were going to Mickey Mouse's house and she was going to meet some pirates to which she would always reply yo-hos!

When we got to Disney, we told her that we were at Mickey Mouse's house and her first question was "yo-hos?".

So, of course, the first ride we headed for was Pirates of the Caribbean.

As we walked towards the ride, a Castmember dressed as a pirate was walking towards us, probably off on his break. My little girl pointed at him from quite a distance and excitedly exclaimed: yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho!

The pirate walked towards us and realising what my little girl was saying, started smiling at her and came over to see her. Despite the fact that we was probably off on his break, he said hello to her and took his hat off a put it on her head. She was over the moon and couldn't believe she was finally meeting a yo-ho.

After a couple of minutes we said goodbye to the yo-ho who waved to her for his whole walk to the backstage area he was heading for. All we heard for the rest of the day was yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho! And we ended up doing Pirates of the Caribbean four times that day.

Anyway, those are my magical Disney moments which will stay in my memory forever and still bring tears to my eyes. What are your magical Disney moments?

Gemma W

Ah! This is a lovely post! My magical Disney moment is similar to yours. On our last trip at the beginning of February we went to join the queue for Minnie Mouse. My little one (who is 22 months old) was really restless in the queue but then as we got to the front of the line and I let him go he ran up to Minnie with open arms and she bent down and scooped him up into a great big hug. She paid him so much attention and Ben gave her lots of kisses and cuddles. As we walked away O was holding his hand. We waved aa we walked and then Ben dropped my hand and ran back to Minnie. The next family had already started walking towards her but Minnie turned round for one last big cuddle. I really wish we had it all captured on film as it was a true heart melting moment!


Oh I have so many over the years!! I've been going since 1992, and quite regularly over the last 10 years, to be honest I've lost track of how many times I've been...

The first that comes to mind is similar to yours I guess, it's with my little princess. It was last May, it was her second visit (she was just 2 years old) and we had dinner in Inventions. She was totally excited seeing all the characters and she hardly ate anything (and for her, that's saying something, she has an amazing appetite!!) Anyway, after a while Minnie Mouse came around, and when she got to Alicia she gave her a huge hug. Alicia stayed in her arms for quite some time, eyes closed, just holding on tight to Minnie. And then Minnie was simply wonderful with her, very sweet. It was pure magic  :D My daughter was the happiest girl in the world!


Omg. I have read these posts and i Am crying. So emotional. The memories made will stay aith you forevdr.


My first magical moment was the first time I entered the Disneyland Park having never been before and the whole atmosphere, music and seeing Sleeping Beauty's castle from the end of Main street USA was the best feeling ever.

The second magical moment was when I met Mary Poppins and Bert and after not being to meet them the first time after their show in Town Square as they had to leave remembered me waiting patiently the first time and just before they had to go the second and last time Bert grabbed me and made sure I met the pair of them and had photos. We had such a laugh taking pictures doing different Bert poses with him and chatting with Mary. It's such a nice photo with all of them.

The same day during the parade Bert spotted me on Main Street watching and gave me a massive wave and smile which was a special moment as he remembered me from the start of the day when I met him right through to the end of the day. I'll never forget that moment.

DLPWonders (Banned)

I've visited Disneyland Paris 55 times, so I have SO many magical memories.
But one of those moments was definitely the moment where I was able to hold my first Annual Passport in my hands, nearly 6 years ago.
°o° DLP AP holder since '08 - DLP CM 2016  °o° Character catcher | Addicted to books, tea and old musicals | Unconditional love for John Hughes, Woody Allen, Tim Burton, Judy Garland and Helena Bonham Carter. | ''She's a flower child with a rock 'n roll attitude.''


This post is wonderful to read - we are taking our 2yr old daughter in June and I am so excited to make some memories of our own. She already tells everyone that we are going to 'land' to cuddle Mickey and Mermaid (she is in love with Ariel). I get teary eyed just at that so I am likely to be a blubbering mess when we actually get there!!


Quote from: glgittens85 on March 02, 2014, 06:33:58 PM
This post is wonderful to read - we are taking our 2yr old daughter in June and I am so excited to make some memories of our own. She already tells everyone that we are going to 'land' to cuddle Mickey and Mermaid (she is in love with Ariel). I get teary eyed just at that so I am likely to be a blubbering mess when we actually get there!!

We've taken our daughter 5 times now and I still get tears in my eyes when I see her hugging Mickey or Minnie...  :)


For me, it was watching Dreams for the first time. I admit to loving Minnie Mouse but had been a bit of a cynic before we went to Disneyland and didn't think the magic would get to me. But I sobbed and sobbed at the end of Dreams. It was amazing. And when I saw Malificent walking around by the Castle one day I squeezed my daughters hand so hard she yelped  :-[  Have loved Malificent since I was a little girl, she's so deliciously bad  ;D

For my youngest is a huge fan of Tink, and she was getting very disheartened that we'd seen so much but hadn't seen Tink. So I spy the CM's starting to put the ropes up and I know the parade is due soon (and from this lovely forum I also know who is tucked away at back of the last float), so I tell her 'Never mind, maybe tomorrow, lets wait here and see if we can see anything fun'. We'd already seen Hallowe'en parade earlier that day so she knew the ropes meant parade. Well we watched the parade and then came the last float, I could see that although my daughter was loving the parade, her eyes were still everywhere looking for her favourite. So the last float goes slowly by, and who is sat on the back sneaking a ride..... ;D  My daughter screams 'TINK!!!!!!!!!' so loud everyone turns around and Tink (I am crying writing this it was so lovely), turned around and did an exaggerated gasp as if she was JUST as excited to see my daughter too, they waved and waved at each other like lunatics. It was just amazing  ;D ;D ;D

For my eldest daughter, she just loved the whole trip, but she still talks about after the last parade we saw before going to get the shuttle to the airport, the last float had gone through with Mickey on and the gates shut, but she yelled 'Mickey!!!' and he turned back around and waved once more to her. She loves that  ;D

For my husband, it was Chip & Dale in Cafe Mickey, they stayed with us for ages and we were laughing our heads off by the time they moved on. My daughter had some Minnie ears on with a veil attached and they kept stealing them and pretending to get married to the waiting staff as they walked past. Not sure the staff were too happy but we enjoyed it!
Disneyland Hotel ~ 3rd - 6th October 2013
Sequoia Lodge ~ 28th October - 1st November 2014
Adagio Val d'Europe ~ 12th - 20th November 2015
Sequoia Lodge ~ 15th - 18th May 2016
Day trip ~ 1st August 2016
HiPark ~ 4th - 6th November 2016
Rive Gauche ~ 17th - 21st February 2017
Adagio Val d'Europe ~ 29th May - 3rd June 2017
Adagio Val d'Europe ~ 23rd - 27th October 2017
Rive Gauche ~ 27th - 30th October 2017
Adagio Val d'Europe ~ 14th - 19th March 2019