Buffalo stampede at Hotel Cheyenne?

Started by babyblue, April 25, 2007, 11:43:44 AM

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Hi, in my preparation for my first trip to Disneyland Paris, I've been looking for what to do & when & I've heard something about a buffalo stampede at Hotel Cheyenne.

I just wondered if anyone knew anything about it or had seen it?
Shannon x


we have stayed at the cheyanne and i have never heard of this  :o


Oh.  Will have to check my info.  Shame because I was looking forward to that
Shannon x


My mind starts to imagine strange stuff...  Children getting crushed by a stampede of buffalos...  Not sure what you mean, becase I haven't heard of it before...

I hope you'll be able to enlight us :)
Next visit:
13-14-15 February 2009 - Valentine in DLH Castle Club

Thank you Disney for introducing me to my girlfriend!  Disney truly is magical!!!


Only Buffalo stampede I can think of is the one in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.


I have stayed there for the last 2 years and haven't seen a stampede but they do have ponies there which you pay for your child to ride every morning.  Could it be this instead? :minnie:


I hope I am allowed to post the following info, being new I'm not sure so if I can't then appologies.

This is the site it says it on although it's cowboy stampede, not buffalo (sorry!)

http://www.tcsignature.com/Pages/static ... eyenne.htm

In case I've not added that correctly the site says: "The legends of the Wild West, with a sprinkling of Disney magic. A fantasy of wooden walkways and timber houses, this frontier-style village has its own lively saloon, sheriffs office, general store, covered wagon, totem pole and teepees, so its no wonder its popular. Theres even an exciting cowboy stampede through the street every afternoon in the summer - kids can imagine theyre a part of it on a pony ride."

I hope this clears up any confusion I've caused but I'm still up for any info on this, if anyone knows about it.

Thanks guys

Shannon x
Shannon x


its ok i have heard of this, i have nevcer stayed there, but i remember reading something about it, you're not crazy lol


I guess this is where they have the cowboys go through the hotel property.  they also organise a BBQ there in summer...

It sounds a lot more child friendly than the buffalo's :) :)
Next visit:
13-14-15 February 2009 - Valentine in DLH Castle Club

Thank you Disney for introducing me to my girlfriend!  Disney truly is magical!!!


Please get some info on this while youre there, we are going in September, i wonder if it will be on then???


Phew, it's good to know I'm not going mad (well, any madder than I already am, anyway!)

I will try & get some info whilst I'm there & let you know when I come back

Shannon x
Shannon x