Q3 financial results press release

Started by jj554, August 06, 2013, 11:22:52 AM

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http://corporate.disneylandparis.com/CO ... elease.pdf

For those who don't get the e-newsletter but want to be kept in the loop about our beloved DLRP!

Trips so far
April 2011 - Sequoia Lodge (First ever DLRP trip)
Nov 2011 - Newport Bay Club (Mickey's Magical Fireworks and Bonfire 2011)
Sep 2012 - Hotel New York (20th Anniversary Celebrations)
Nov 2013 - Hotel Cheyenne (Mickey's Magical Fireworks and Bonfire 2013)
Dec 2015 - Disneyland Hotel (Disneyland at Christmas)

DLRP Roundup!

Never nice to see a guest reduction, but they did make more money. Backs up what people have been seeing the in the parks with shorter waits and less crowding.
The Roundup
News | Forum | Gallery | Waits | Crowd Forecasts


It proves what i,ve been telling people for ages,disney have raised prices in every area of the resort so much that they are taking more money from less guests.When i went in november i couldn,t believe how much i spent.


While attendance is down from some parts of Europe it is up from the UK and Germany but I cannot help feel that they may be pricing the product too high for high/mid seasons. I have just priced the Sequoia Lodge for 26/10/13 for 2 nights for 2 adults and it is coming in at €1,110 for a Montana Room in one of the lodges. I know you pay a premium to stay onsite but the reality is that I can get 2 nights in the Kyriad and with my passes for 2 days and it will cost me €440 approx. That's a saving of €670! I really feel that the hotels are now over-priced and may be putting more potential visitors from staying onsite.


Quote from: "dejmurph1"While attendance is down from some parts of Europe it is up from the UK and Germany but I cannot help feel that they may be pricing the product too high for high/mid seasons. I have just priced the Sequoia Lodge for 26/10/13 for 2 nights for 2 adults and it is coming in at €1,110 for a Montana Room in one of the lodges. I know you pay a premium to stay onsite but the reality is that I can get 2 nights in the Kyriad and with my passes for 2 days and it will cost me €440 approx. That's a saving of €670! I really feel that the hotels are now over-priced and may be putting more potential visitors from staying onsite.
Yep, that's what I think too. It's way to expensive to stay onsite. I had in mind to stay one or two nights at a Disney hotel but changed my mind quickly when I saw the pricing.
My previous Disney trips:
Tokyo Disneyland: March 1998
Walt Disney World: March 2008 /*\ New Years 2011 /*\ April 2013 /*\ October 2015
Disneyland Paris: September 2013 /*\ July 2015
Disneyland California: August 2016 (Honeymoon)

Upcoming trips:
Disneyland Paris: Spring 2020?
Walt Disney World: 2021 or 2022
Hong Kong Disneyland: -
Shanghai Disneyland: -

captain rocket

It's a balancing act, I go three or four times a year and usually stay offsite. I have just returned from three nights in The New York and whilst the convenience is beyond any doubt, especially after Dreams, the prices are unrealistic and are not justified by the convenience. We could have stayed in the Kyriad for eight or nine nights for the cost of the New York! (Not including passes) My next two visits for Halloween and Christmas will most certainly be in one of the partner hotels unless I can pick up something cheap on Expedia ( I got the Santa Fe for £69 a night last year on two seperate occasions)
At the end of the day, you pay your money and take your choice, but we are good at working the system here on this forum I wonder how many people just look at the Disney price and are frightened off?


I think the offers for the on site hotels are brilliant, we would never be able to afford to stay otherwise. Yet I agree, when there are no offers, the hotels are seriously over priced. We only plan to go once more (trip 6) next year which is booked. Purely because there isnt any other season to visit in. I appriciate Disney are being told to cut back but that isnt helping pull returning visitors back. Once Halloween is done, there is nothing left to do. When a 5 year old says, 'oh no, not again' you know Disney has a problem that needs addressing.  :(