Trip Report: 14-16 July (photo Heavy + vids)

Started by coruscantpt, July 27, 2011, 01:35:04 PM

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Hey people :D

Sorry about the delay with the trip report but been kind of busy lately before summer holidays. But here it is.


This was my 3rd summer trip to Disneyland Paris, after 1994 and 2007. Since now i'm living for a year in France it is very easy to get do DLP. Or so I thought lol. Took the train early to arrive at DLP by lunch time. But unfortunately a tree had fell on the track so I got stuck in the train for 2 hours before arriving at Paris. It was 3 pm when I finally arrived at the Santa Fe hotel.
I only stayed once at a DLP hotel, back in 2007 at Sequoia Lodge Hotel. Must say that both hotels are very nice and actually not very differences in both rooms.
After having lunch at Earls (to try it and must say I loved it) I arrived at Disneyland Park. It is always exciting to arrive at any Disney Park. Feells so magical when you step inside. The park was actually very crowded (it was the national holiday in France). First thing I went to see was obviously the castle since now it was completed (meaning not any tower missing).

From central Plaza I could see Orbitron, with its planets moving a lot (finally!)

I went for a walk around the park to check things. As I said a lot of people were there which was lovely to see actually. Many greetings with Disney Characters around the park, but one caught my attention, Jasmin and Aladdin. Took some pictures of it but one really got my attention. I love this picture.

From Adventureland I went to Frontierland to ride one of my favourite ride of the park: Phantom Manor.

Well the ride was awesome as always but Phantom Manor was having a bit of a rough day. It actually took me 30 minutes to do the ride, and I'm not talking about the queue. Just the moment I step inside the house until I left. They were always saying that the problems were the ghosts and spirits. Well, if it's like that during summer it will take a day to do the ride during Halloween with all the ghosts around in that season :P But still took some pictures and here is one from inside.

I went next to Pirates. I still prefer this version of the ride to the Magic Kingdom's. But I think the photo should be taken in the first drop which is bigger than in the second). One thing caught my attention. The captains AA (the one selling the girls in town) was malfunctioning and was bend down, looking at the floor and not moving. Not a very elegant position for a captain :P

I ate in fantasyland before the parade and decided to see it from the castle bridge, just to have a different look of it.

Well unfortunately many people got the same ideia as me so I couldn't take a lot of pics but here is one from the begining.

Oh even if the water is green next to the castle it is very clean indeed, even with ducks now hehe:

So went for a walk around the park before the show at central plaza, and took some pictures with the sunset and all.

The castle looks indeed great even at the sunset

Looking great for tomorrow :P

It was then time for the Mickey's Magical Celebration show. I was looking forward to it since it was the first show I would see in the big stage (last year they cancelled during christmas because of all the snow). Here is a vid of the show:


I liked the show I must say. But when you compare with last years, well it's not as good. Using magic as theme they could place there many villans which I think were missing. But nowadays, Disney loves princess so there were a lot there. Also many of the traditional characters like Minnie, Donald and so would find a good place in the show. But yes, the show is great.

After it, I change place (i was standing in front of the central stage before) to see the parade and also the fireworks. I must say I think the schedule used for this summer is a bit tight. You don't have any parade or show for a big part of the day and after 7 pm you get a huge amount of shows all together. They could spread a bit more to allow people to have dinner more quietly. The streets were packed with people before the parade trying to find places to see. And, as usual with European guest, who don't like to wait a lot, people arrive just minutes before the parade starts and want to stay in front of others who are already waiting for hours there. I must say CMs are very patient, because I've seen things that were... well amazing to say the least (even people begging to let them stay sitting on main street because there was no other place).

It was then time for Fantillusion to begin. I've been reading in multiple forums that the parade was having a rough summer season I unfortunatly I saw that also. The parade was missing one float at least ( the butterfly float), the floats sometimes were running, others were almost stoped, and to end it only had one show stop (for me the princess stop). Here is the vid of that night.


It was very sad to see it like that, even more if it is indeed its last year in the park. The parade is already smaller than it was in Tokyo, but still it is a great parade. I was hopping it would be better next day.
It was then time for the Bastille Fireworks. I was looking forward to that since I've actually never seen a firework show inside Disneyland Park using big shells. The only show with big shells I've seen there was fantasy in the sky, back in 1994, but at Lake Disney, which is not the same thing. The show was great and gladly they used the 2009 theme, rather than last years, having a proper finalle. Here is the vid:


I loved it, and although it is smaller that other fireworks at the Magic Kingdom or at Disneyland, I still think it is a lovely show to watch. After the fireworks it was the usual madness of people trying to go out of the park so I waited a bit before going back to the hotel.

To be continued...
DLP - July 1994 / March 2002 / August 2007 / December 2010 / 2011 - Anual Passholder \":P\"

WDW - May 2006 / May 2008 / August 2009

Martin B

Magical!  :thumbs:
@DisneyMart - Follow me on twitter and I\'ll tweet live from Disneyland Paris and other Disney locations on our magical adventures...


Great report and fantastic pictures and videos
Santa Fe November 2010
Santa Fe Januray/Feb 2012 (a very cold trip)


Brilliant report so far. We had the same trouble at Phantom Manor a few days later, but it did give me an opportunity to do lots of filming inside. I love your pictures of the castle at sunset, they are beautiful.

Off Site June 1992
Santa Fe, July 2009
Cheyenne, June 2010
Newport Bay Club Admirals Floor, July 2011
Sequoia Lodge, Christmas November 2011
Sequoia Lodge, June 2012
Hotel New York, Christmas November 2012
Hotel New York, Halloween 2013
Disneyland Hotel, Christmas 2014 and Christmas 2015
Newport Bay Club Compass Club, Christmas 2016 and Christmas 2018


What a lovely report - great videos, they are really clear.  I though that Fantiullsion was a bit odd too, like some floats  going to fast then slow some were just "in the wrong place" it seemed. It was odd.

Can't wait to read more.  :thumbs:
31st Aug - 1st Sept 2010 = Kyriad Torcy (First Time <3)
11th - 14th July 2011 = New York Hotel
2nd - 4th Aug 2011 = Kyriad Torcy
31st Oct 2011 = Day Trip
13th March 2012 (Disneyland Cal)
10th - 13th April 2012= Hotel L'Elysée
30th May - 1st June 2012 = Hotel L'Elysée
31st Oct - 1st Nov 2012 = Residence Prestige
18th - 20th July 2013 - Residence Prestige
9th -11th Nov 2013 = Hotel L'Elysée (First Christmas Trip!)
Coming soon:
29th April - 1st May = Hipark Serris.


Ok people hope you are enjoying the report so far. Here comes a bit more


Got up next day a little late so missed EMH. Was a bit tired from all the trip and the previous day. Got into de park and the first thing I noticed was that, besides being a friday during summer, it was not very crowded, especially when compared to the previous day. Weather was again great and very warm indeed.

Before going in any rides went for a walk around adventureland. It was very good to see the entranced painted. Looks as new now.

Many people were walking there, but especially closer to the area next to fantasyland due to the peter pan show there. Actually everytime I saw, it was very crowded that area so I think the show must be a sucess with the young. Glad to see that. I went for a ride at Pirates again. Remember that the previous day I saw the captain AA broke so I was asking myself if they have fixed it or not. Remember that people always complain about the maintenance of all rides at DLP. Well you'll be glad to know that he was working perfectly this time. Even got a picture of him to show hehe.

So it was time to go to the chaparral theater to see the tarzan encounter show. Never actually saw it even in 2007. don't asked me why because even I don't know. Maybe because I've never seen the movie so I wasn't very interested in seing it. But this time I wanted to see for many reasons but mainly because everyone was so happy to see it coming back that I knew I had to see it. The stage is very well done making you feel you are right in the jungle.

You can see my vid of it here:


Well at the end I was amazed with it. If you didn't see it and have the opportunity please go. It's amazing the show and all the cast do incredible things. Many people complained about bringing back this show because it was the same show but you know I really don't mind having it there. If you go to WDW or to Disneyland you'll see that the big shows stays there for years and years if they are a sucess so why can't this stay?

Well after it was time to go off to fantasyland. As always the rides had big waiting time, even snow white and pinocchio but still they are very nice to go in and relax a bit. On my way to main street I got a look at the labyrinth and guess what? the water effects were working. i love jumping waters so I stayed there a bit just looking at them.

Stoped by a shop in fantasyland and was looking around when this got my attention:

Guess the hat got a wrong plane.
Went into Discoveryland to go on all rides there. This time even inside Nautillus i went. Must say it was my very first time there even though it has been there since my first visit. Although it isn't a ride, just a walkthrough it is very well themed. Buzz had a longggg waiting time as always but still stayed there and rode it. Not a good score this time :P
Star tours was next. Well... that ride needs, demands a repair. It is so rough now that you can't enjoy anything there anymore. So pleaseee change it all. Bring Star Tours II here. It would be a very big surprise for the 20th !!! Let's pray... :P

Space mountain was next. Well, there's another ride in need of repair. Nothing is smooth anymore there. When you arrive at the station you have the feeling you got into a fight... and lost it. Bring back the original space mountain!! Oh and the smoking effect also if it's not asking too much. Only saw it back in 2002 and 2007 so it would be a great thing to have back.
Speaking of effects, well, planets at orbitron were not moving at all now.

After dinner was time to sat on Main Street and wait for everything, show, parade and fireworks. This time I took some pics of the show. Here they are.

Remember I said the park was not very crowded? Well by this time it was packed around main street and central plaza. Everyone just waiting for Fantillusion to come.

After the disaster the day before I was a bit affraid of what to expect. But actually everything went just fine. All floats present, working fine, going with normal pace and even two show stops (in my case in central plaza, villans and princess stop). Here is the vid:


After the parade, time for fireworks. It was my first time with the Enchanted fireworks. Last time it was still wishes, which btw I loved it even if that show was not as good as the Magic Kingdoms. Here is the show as I saw it:


I actually liked it very much. Everything was working perfectly and according to the music so it was a very nice show indeed. Just pity they don't do it around the year, or at least during christmas. Still I prefer wishes though but a very nice show the Enchanted fireworks.
After I looked back to Main Street and I was really packed.

So I went for a walk around the park to take some nighttime pics.

I must say at this point that I think the castle doesn't have a proper lighting system. It looks so dark normally now. They should light it more as they did during my first visit. I remember that the castle would change colour during the hole evening (not only for the fireworks or the parade). Much like the Magic Kingdoms castle. Hope they can change it and bring back the old lighting scheme too.

Discoveryland entrance

Space Moutain:

Even a full moon over Main street

Gas lamps working fine (some of them actually)

By the time I was leaving the park was pretty empty

To be continued...
DLP - July 1994 / March 2002 / August 2007 / December 2010 / 2011 - Anual Passholder \":P\"

WDW - May 2006 / May 2008 / August 2009


Wonderfull pictures and report!
[size=85](sorry for my bad english, thank You!)[/size]

Martin B

The night time pics are great!! :)
@DisneyMart - Follow me on twitter and I\'ll tweet live from Disneyland Paris and other Disney locations on our magical adventures...


Thanks for the report, thank you!!
Ilike your pictures as well, especially the night shots. They are beautiful!!



The last day of this trip was totally different than the others. First was the weather. Goodbye sun, goodbye warm and hello rain and wind. Still it was saturday so a lot of people were arriving at the park when i got there.

When I got inside the park, a huge surprise was waiting for me:

It has been a looong while since I saw it here. I even thought then didn't have horses anymore. But still I loved it very much. They were only walking around main street during the morning but still a very good welcome for me.

The doubledeck bus was doing the morning drive along Main street.

It was not raining yet by then so I went on BTM. First time since that accident... well i was a bit affraid I must confess but everything went nicely. Still no rock was moving in the Earthquake scene. After I went inside the castle to visit the first floor that was now open to all guest. Everything was very clean after the refurb. They made a really nice job.

Fantasyland was a bit empty. everyone was already affraid of the rain that hasn't started by then.

Was walking around when it finally started raining, and heavy. i went inside the closest ride which, lucky me, was IASW.... There i went for a ride around the world loool just wanting the rain to stop so I could go out of there.
After having lunch it was time to leave so I went to main street to by some stuff and leave. The dance express was going along main street. It's nice of them to do the show even if the weather is bad.

Times of all the rides were not that long during the morning and lunch time

It was then time to go home...

There you have it. Hope you have enjoyed it as much as I writing it.

Cya :D
DLP - July 1994 / March 2002 / August 2007 / December 2010 / 2011 - Anual Passholder \":P\"

WDW - May 2006 / May 2008 / August 2009


Thank you for the trip report I really enjoyed it your photos are great especially your night time shots!
August 1997 offsite
August 1998 Cheyenne
May 1999 Disneyland hotel
July 2004 Cheyenne
August 2007 offsite
August 2010 Santa Fe
August 2011 Santa Fe
September 2015 Sequoia Lodge

Great trip report and some great photos - thanks for sharing!! :D

Please visit my DLP website:

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]

Martin B

Great report, loved it! :0)
@DisneyMart - Follow me on twitter and I\'ll tweet live from Disneyland Paris and other Disney locations on our magical adventures...

magic katy

Very nice report, beautiful photo's. Your evening photo's are really great.

Didn't you go to the Studio's at all?


No not this time. Just stayed at Disneyland Park. Wanted to get all the pics from the refurb.
DLP - July 1994 / March 2002 / August 2007 / December 2010 / 2011 - Anual Passholder \":P\"

WDW - May 2006 / May 2008 / August 2009