Geocaching in Disneyland Paris

Started by Alpop, July 12, 2008, 11:22:54 PM

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I wasn't 100% sure if this should go here, but no doubt the powers that be will file it!!

I've only just got into Geocaching. For people who don't know what this is.
Geocaching is sort of like treasure hunting with a GPS. Someone hides a container and posts their location on The location would be N 55.308939 W 73.09922 (example). The idea is that you then track down this location and when you are there look for the hidden container.
Inside the container is some items and a log book. You sign the book take an item and LEAVE an item. So the next person that comes along can do the same.

Anyway, I just looked to see if there were any at DLRP. There is one in Adventureland and one near Newport Bay Hotel.


Sounds good. More details please, Site link were one gets/leaves co-ordinates, etc.. I assume one can use a satnav for this?


The site to view is this should answer most of your questions.

I used my dad's Tom Tom to start off, but in all fairness if you zoom in on the map you can use Google maps to get a rough idea of where you should be.
You can hide / seek caches in the menu on the left. And then search via google maps for an area. If you join up (Free) you can find out where the nearest ones are to your own home


I have just started geocaching :D
I'm already planning which caches I want to find when I go to Disneyland Paris in March 2011  :lol:
Disneyland 1981, 1986
Walt Disney World 1986, 1990
Disneyland Paris 1995, 2011