N2O Birthday trip (7-11 June) - COMPLETED!

Started by never2old, June 18, 2010, 01:21:30 PM

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Loving the trip report, I'm going to strive to take as many pictures as you when I go. However, I always get carried away and get lost in the disney-ness.

Good luck moving house! I did about a year ago.

Hope to read the rest soon :)
August 1997 - Off Site
August 1998 - Cheyenne
May 1999 - Disneyland Hotel
July 2004 - Cheyenne
August 2007 - Off Site
August 2010 - Santa Fe
August 2011 - Santa Fe
September 2015 - Sequoia Lodge Golden Forest


What a great trip report so far :thumbs:
On my last trip i tried to take loads of photos but towards the end of the trip my camera ran out of charge :( and i was only there for a day on a school trip.
All your pictures came out really well aswell.
I only hope that we don\'t lose sight of one thing,that it was all started by a mouse[size=150] Walt Disney

:pluto:  :mickey1:


Thank you all for your comments  :D

I have to say, I hope we NEVER EVER have to move again... It's exhausting!! We're still surrounded by boxes, sometimes it feels like we will never be free of them, but at least the new place is in a half-decent condition... And I finally have some time to continue this report! I keep saying it, but apologies it's taking so long!

So... It's Friday 11th of June, our last day, and around 9am... After our visit to Fantasyland, it was time for Discoveryland and Buzz!! My back was not feeling 100% so I didn't want to risk serious injury in the Space Mountain, but Buzz, that's always OK...

We had a couple of goes, it's really great when you can walk straight into the ride...  :thumbs:

Around Discoveryland:

I don't think I had ever noticed Buzz in the Constellations sign!

A bit after 9:30 we deciced to head towards the Studios, and try to do Crush Coaster before the queues got too long...

Looking quiet...

We were seeing Captain EO later that day!

Back then, only the "1" in Studio 1 was truly visible...

It was a good move to get to the Studios before 10am; there was a small queue in Crush, but nothing too serious... And they started letting people in around 9:50!!

Can any of you look at this and not start thinking "Mine! Mine!"??  ;)

We ended up queuing for about 15 minutes, and then we were off in the EAC!! It was really good fun, I can see why so many people enjoy this ride, it feels very different to other coasters. Though I have to say, and I hope it was because of my neck and back problems, but I had to sit down when we got out, and get my balance back...

We had a walk around the Studios, now fully open. As I said it was the first day with really nice weather, and everything was looking so beautiful!!

On the previous day I'd had a go on Tower of Terror and RnRC, and they were not great for my back... So this time we just took it easy, and enjoyed the park rather than the rides, before heading back to Disneyland Park...

This is one of my favourite pictures!

By now (about 10:30) we were both feeling a bit tired, and since we hadn't been there in a while, we decided to go for a break in the Salon Mickey.

The Salon Mickey entrance

I always like going there, it's nice and quiet, and so relaxing... We sat in a couple of comfy sofas, had a coffee, and a chocolate chip cookie... Yummy!!

To be continued!


After our break in Salon Mickey, it was time to go and do some of our favourite rides... BTM (fastpasses), Phantom Manor and Pirates  :D/  :D  We were having lunch at 12:00 in the Blue Lagoon (so that we'd be on time for our shareholders preview of Captain EO), so we had a little more than 1 hour left before then...

So we took our fastpasses for BTM, and while we waited for them, did POTC and PM. Perfect way to spend 1 hour!

Some pictures around Frontierland:

And around Adventureland!

Next: lunch in the Blue Lagoon & Captain EO preview!


Lovely pics!
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


Lovely pictures  :D
Disneyland 1981, 1986
Walt Disney World 1986, 1990
Disneyland Paris 1995, 2011


Thanks  :D

It was now 12:00, so time for lunch in the Blue Lagoon!

It's one of our favourite restaurants, but we hadn't been there in quite a while, so we were both quite excited about going back there...

One of my favourite things about the Blue Lagoon are the Marc Davis' drawings for the original POTC ride, they're really beautiful pieces of art...

We were seated quite quickly, which was a great change from other visits to the restaurants (we usually ended up waiting about 20-30 minutes, despite having booked our table...) Lesson learned: we'll always go for an early lunch rather than a late one in the Blue Lagoon!

We were seated in a table on the higher part of the restaurant, overlooking it all. Unfortunately the lamp right next to us was not working, and our table was even darker than usual... At least we had a candle!

The food was stunning. We had the Land and Sea dish, with an ostrich steak and half a lobster, delicious.

Plus we played our usual game in the Blue Lagoon (guess how many people doing POTC would call out "Bon Appetit"  :lol: ) and I won  :D/

Lunch was not only delicious but also relatively fast (another reason to try and go there earlier for lunch), we were out in just over one hour, so to help diggestion, we went for a walk around Adventure Isle. It's one of my favourite areas in the park, and when the sun is shining like that, it's really beautiful!

Unfortunately not everything was looking good... I really can't wait to see this refurbished next year!!

But enough of the negative...

And back to Frontierland... We had just enough time to go on Phantom Manor one last time, before the Captain EO shareholders' preview...

And Phantom Manor... Truly one of the best rides!!

After enjoying the ride, we had one last walk around Boot Hill. Which was looking better than during our last trip... But some tombstones could do with less vegetation around them (some of them were hardly visible!)

Probably my favourite ones:

Continues soon!


And finally, here it is... Final update!!!

After Phantom Manor, we made our way out towards the Pluto Desk, in the park entrance, to register for the shareholder's preview of Captain EO.

Along the way:

There was a small queue waiting, but (apart from the people who thought they were queing to buy park tickets) it moved quite smoothly. In a few minutes we have our names, and got a couple of white bracelets!!! They were plain ones though... It would have been nice to have some mention of Captain EO, Disneyland, or anything... Still, they served their purpose!

Back in the park, we slowly made our way towards Discoveryland

Honestly, with blue skies like that, I could spend hours taking pictures!!

Captain EO merchandise

Guests only!

And the queue outside Captain EO...

Which was not too pleasant. It was very hot and we were standing in the sun... Fortunately after a few minutes they opened the proper queue, so we were (well, some of us at least) better protected from the sun... And since we ended up waiting quite a bit (they did not start on time  :evil:  :roll: ), we really appreciated it..

My dear hubby...

Merchandise on display inside, in the pre-show room

Again we ended up waiting quite a bit for the pre-show to start, and by the time they started playing the making-of featurette, we were really losing patience!!

Finally inside the theatre...

Honestly, is this the best my other half can do??  :roll:

The movie was good, it was nice seeing it again, after all these years... Though I have to say it was never one of my favourites, and personally, I don't think it's aged very well... I guess I'm in a minority when I say I prefered HISTA...

The presentation and Q&A that followed wasn't great, unfortunately. We had a presentation of the NGF, but all the videos they showed I'd already seen before, and there wasn't any new information. Still, maybe next time they'll have a shareholders event and presentation and present to us something new??

After that, it was time to start making our way to the hotel and the car  :cry:

Some last pictures around Discoveryland, looking good under the sun...

Said goodbye to the Castle  :cry:  :cry:

People were getting ready for the parade, but Cris would not let me stay to see it... He was eager to get back home as soon as possible  :evil:

One final goodbye.

By now I was quite upset, I really hate leaving this place... Plus with the weather like that??? It was horrible. You understand it, right??

Football in the Disney Village

And finally, Panoramagique was up and running!! I did suggest we go on, but it was no no from my husband... Once he gets in "exit" mode, there's no stopping him!!  :lol:

I can't believe it's taken me over 2 months to get this finished... Apologies!

Thank you for reading, as always it's a pleasure to share my trips with you!!


Thank you for the report and many lovely photos :D
Disneyland 1981, 1986
Walt Disney World 1986, 1990
Disneyland Paris 1995, 2011


Really great trip report :)
Well done i wnjoyed reading it and the pictures were very good :D !
:thumbs: Thank you for such a great report :)
I only hope that we don\'t lose sight of one thing,that it was all started by a mouse[size=150] Walt Disney

:pluto:  :mickey1:


Not sure I replied already, in case not, thanks for a great TR. And the wonderful pictures!
Glad you had a great time!


what a great end to your trip report... i'm not going to bother with E.O doesn't appeal to me at all!!!
I really love the pictures of the show, wow!!
Sante Fe - December 2008
Radisson Blu Disneyland Paris - August 2010


Thank you all :D


Thanks for a brilliant trip report :thumbs:  I noticed your hubby was smiling when it was Buzz time after IASW grumpiness :lol:  I would never even get my husband to go with me so I think yours did well. It's always a pleasure to look at your photos, they really help with getting in the mood for our trip in September.


More great photos N2O and a greta report :D

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club