Disney Hexagonal Bricks

Started by mattboywonder, August 30, 2010, 06:11:15 PM

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Does anyone know if you can still have one of those bricks added to the forecourt outside of Disneyland and if so how you go about it and how much it costs?

Please see attached to understand what I am talking about

Disneyland - 1991, 1995, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010, 2012
Walt Disney World - 1998, 2000, 2010, 2011, 2012
Tokyo Disneyland - 2008, 2011, 2012
Disneyland Paris - 1997, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2009 (March, May, Halloween & Dec), 2010 (Feb, July, Oct & Dec), 2011 (April, July & September), 2012 (March, April & July & New Years Eve) 2013 March
Hong Kong Disneyland - 2007, 2008


I asked that very same question a while ago, and the answer was no, you can no longer buy them. Pity.


Yeah they stopped that a while back, which is a shame. There must have been a good reason for them to stop though, must have been a good earner at 60 Euro's each!

Another thing, I really think they should replace the damaged one's. From what I can remember there were loads that have broken and it looks horrible. That whole area outside the Studio's is horrible and needs re-paved.


It's a shame they don't do them anymore.  My parter came up with the idea as I have a big birthday in a couple of years.  I was gonna have something like "Matt Was Ere....often!"
Disneyland - 1991, 1995, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010, 2012
Walt Disney World - 1998, 2000, 2010, 2011, 2012
Tokyo Disneyland - 2008, 2011, 2012
Disneyland Paris - 1997, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2009 (March, May, Halloween & Dec), 2010 (Feb, July, Oct & Dec), 2011 (April, July & September), 2012 (March, April & July & New Years Eve) 2013 March
Hong Kong Disneyland - 2007, 2008


QuoteYeah they stopped that a while back, which is a shame. There must have been a good reason for them to stop though, must have been a good earner at 60 Euro's each!

I doubt it really turns out a profit. Maybe 60 euros sounds like a lot, but it is not like you're going to sell 100 of them every day.

Every stone has to be engraved. Afterwards an existing stone has to be removed and this new stone needs to be cemented into that spot. It is quite a lot of work and expensive machinery is involved.

Additionally, you're creating your own little maintenance nightmare, because what do you do when the pavement needs replacement, just like it does right now. You're not going to replace all those custom stones, are you? I suspect the idea is just to remove the old ones and having you buy a new one if you want to be remembered again.

QuoteAnother thing, I really think they should replace the damaged one's. From what I can remember there were loads that have broken and it looks horrible. That whole area outside the Studio's is horrible and needs re-paved.

Well, there you have it ;). But I agree. Even moreso, I don't think that just that area needs a repavement... The whole area in front of both parks needs a lot of love. Especially on the main plaza (the one between the parks, the Village and the train stations), but also the whole Fantasia Gardens part (the part with all the many wicked paths in front of the main park). Those are the first impressions anyone gets and they count the hardest, especially for first visits. The area directly in front of the studios is fine actually. They repaved that one about 3 years ago with real bricks, let's hope this lasts a bit longer than those large concrete slabs that are slowly crumbling away.