Michael Jackson surprise visit

Started by Kristof, June 15, 2006, 10:51:57 PM

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o-o; Am I the only one creeped out by the fact that it's Micheal Jackson who's visiting Disneyland?


Yes :lol: , excuse me he's still one of the greatest pop artists of all time and don't always believe EVERYTHING you read in the tabloids :wink: .


:roll: I don't think there's anything great about making yourself something you're not (the guy was born black) and I think the way he treats his kids is weird and cruel...

:P But I'm not gonna get into an argument about it...if I ever saw him in Disneyland I'd just turn and go in the opposite direction...


I have to say that whatever about his eccentricities as a person perhaps it is quite sad for his little children to live like that. I don't think i'd enjoy being escorted around the park wearing a face mask. Those children must get lonely. Considering that no one would recognise them without their father with them I wonder why he wouldn't perhaps ask a nanny or relative to take them to the park on their own to enjoy a more normal day.
Merry Christmas Heffalumps!!!!