Marry at DLP?

Started by MagicStar, November 22, 2009, 01:56:30 PM

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Does anybody know, if it is possible to marry in or around DLP?
I always see pictures from WDW for example... where the bridal couple smiles into the camera. But I never heard something like this from Paris... Does anybody know more?
[size=150]Let\'s put the Walt back in Disney![/size]



I am afraid that under French law, this is prohibited. The closest you can do is to get married at the city hall in the Val D'Europe - Serris.

If you want a Disney wedding, then it is California, Florida, Tokyo or Hong Kong to choose from. Though beware, Disney weddings are hugely expensive. When we got married, we went to Lake Tahoe as it was 10% of the cost of a traditional wedding in the UK. But a Disney wedding we three times more than the cost of a trad wedding in the UK. That was 10 years ago now, so things may change, but at the time we were quoted £30,000 for a small wedding in WDW or DL.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"I am afraid that under French law, this is prohibited. The closest you can do is to get married at the city hall in the Val D'Europe - Serris.

Surely you can have a ceremony anywhere you want?

As a homosexual, the whole marriage thing has always felt as probable of an event to occur in my own lifetime as, say, pregnancy scares or church basement potluck dinners, and I've therefore never given the whole thing much thought, but surely you could get officially married at your own city hall and then have a ceremony someplace else? If you really want to have a Disney wedding at Disneyland Paris, you could still do it if you had money and planning skills.


Unfortunately, I just know what the law here in Germany says.
Since last year, you can have a wedding everywhere you want and like... But you have to have an offical wedding at your city hall a few days after that.
[size=150]Let\'s put the Walt back in Disney![/size]



Maybe this will help you for Florida. ... y+marriage

 Wedding-TR Pg 92; Photo Update pg 133


Quote from: "britincgn"Maybe this will help you for Florida. ... y+marriage

 Wedding-TR Pg 92; Photo Update pg 133

Ohhh - great. Thanks a lot  :D  :D  :D
[size=150]Let\'s put the Walt back in Disney![/size]



Quote from: "pussinboots"
Quote from: "davewasbaloo"I am afraid that under French law, this is prohibited. The closest you can do is to get married at the city hall in the Val D'Europe - Serris.

Surely you can have a ceremony anywhere you want?

As a homosexual, the whole marriage thing has always felt as probable of an event to occur in my own lifetime as, say, pregnancy scares or church basement potluck dinners, and I've therefore never given the whole thing much thought, but surely you could get officially married at your own city hall and then have a ceremony someplace else? If you really want to have a Disney wedding at Disneyland Paris, you could still do it if you had money and planning skills.

Not an official place. The laws very from country to country in Europe. In the UK it had to be a place of worship or civic registery office for it to be considered legal until 1999. Then they extended it to where you can get married in an place that has a licence (straight or gay).

Each European country has their own rules. And unless things have changed in the last 12 months, France has a similar rule to the way things were in England pre 1999.
since 2001 (many before that)


The closest thing you could do is to get married in Serris and have the reception in a Ball Room or meeting room of one of the hotels, or rent the park after hours.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"The closest thing you could do is to get married in Serris and have the reception in a Ball Room or meeting room of one of the hotels, or rent the park after hours.

Yes, but it doesn't have to be the reception, or only the reception. You could just get the official part over with and then have the big ceremony in an unofficial (read: phony, commitment ceremony-type) manner someplace else — perhaps one of the Disneyland Hotel meeting rooms. You would exchange rings twice; once officially amongst the two of you at city hall in casual attire, once in a glitzy yet unofficial manner in the privacy of your 200 closest friends in the location of your choice.

You just have to make these things happen yourself...


I would loved to get married in Disney -world,land, HK etc pity paris doesn't do it. I agree I have heard it is extremely expensive and that you are only aloud a certain amount of guests...not sure

Luv Aveen xoxo


Well Aveen, for less than 40% the price of a Disney wedding, we were able to fly our to San Francisco and get married at beautiful Lake Tahoe; take a 2 week honeymoon at WDW followed by a week long cruise in the Caribbean; and put a deposit down on a house 10 years ago.

We have some friends that are still paying off their weddings, many of the people that were there they either no longer see, or only see at weddings and funerals, and in two cases, are already divorced (one of them onto wife number 2).

It depends what's important to you I suppose. For us it was more about getting hitched, travelling and buying a house.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Well Aveen, for less than 40% the price of a Disney wedding, we were able to fly our to San Francisco and get married at beautiful Lake Tahoe; take a 2 week honeymoon at WDW followed by a week long cruise in the Caribbean; and put a deposit down on a house 10 years ago.

We have some friends that are still paying off their weddings, many of the people that were there they either no longer see, or only see at weddings and funerals, and in two cases, are already divorced (one of them onto wife number 2).

It depends what's important to you I suppose. For us it was more about getting hitched, travelling and buying a house.

I 100% think you did the right thing! I would do the same. I would love to get married at Disney but realistically I would rather spend the money sensibly on a house and even a nice honeymoon. As you said it depends what's important to you but I have to say I would agree with you on this.
Luv Aveen xoxo


Well I can't see myself getting married now, at 26 I'm too old to find someone now.

But I hope to give my little girl a dream wedding at Walt Disney World, Will cost me a FORTUNE but who knows i may win the lottery lol.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!

Belle's World

I think we took the best option. We got married in England at a church down the road and then were able to have the perfect honeymoon at Disneyland Paris in the Disneyland Hotel - probably the only time we can afford to do so. No expense spared on meals etc and it was perfect. Ro


Quote from: "littlemermaid83"Well I can't see myself getting married now, at 26 I'm too old to find someone now.

Pffffffft. That's so not the case, think positive  :)