January 2009 Trip Photos!

Started by Masamune, September 30, 2009, 10:22:40 AM

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Maybe Mickey got lost..  :roll:  Oh well...  :o

Well Masamune is doesn't really matter about the quality of the photo's, it's still great to browse through them all.  Even nicer to see DLRP with a slight covering of snow, adds to the magic I think..  :D

Thanks for sharing..  :wink:  :D


@ dave and Nicolai - :lol: Like Javey said, I'm sure he probably just got lost on his way to Main Street.

@ fray - Yup, it was freezing! We wrapped up nice and warm though, and it was very easy to simply pop into a lovely heated shop whenever we needed to.

@ Mizz - :P Aww, thank you. The scarf and glove set (which also has a matching beanie hat) were a birthday pressie off my mum one year. She bought them off eBay. :D The striped jacket was bought at TK Maxx.

@ Butlin - :) We had a great time. In fact, we going again next January!

@ Javey - This is true! I love looking a people's photos, so I'm glad people have enjoyed looking at these. <3


We are thinking of going in January, it looks cold but sunny, how busy was it?

Sequoia Lodge 2007
Sequoia Lodge 2008
2011 DCR Yipeee 3rd Christmas as DLP!!


It's VERY cold, but all days that we were there it was sunny, so the air just felt very crisp. You do need to wrap up warm, but if you still find that your hands and feet are freezing, all the shops are fully heated so you can just pop in one of them to warm up.

:) And it's not very busy at all. In the Magic Kingdom I think the longest we waited for any ride was about 10 minutes for Big Thunder Mountain (in the fast pass que) and in the Studios we waited about 30 minutes for Crush's Coaster.


I've been to Disneyland Paris many times in January and other Winter months. To be honest, I don't ever want to go again during that period. The worst thing is the chill of the low temperatures and the wind. Together they make standing outside and doing outdoor rides really unpleasant.

I remember going on Big Thunder Mountain in February one year, at night. It was so cold that I didn't enjoy the ride at all. My ears were freezing and I just felt miserable and ill. Seems silly to go all that way, only to not enjoy one of the best rides.

Sure, you get more crowds in the Spring and Summer, but the warmer weather really makes the holiday more enjoyable; more like a holiday and less like an endurance test.


Your trip pictures have inspired me, we usually go the week before christmas, but last year it was just too busy. We dont mind the cold, gives it a magicalness!! (is that a word!!!) but we are not too keen on the pushing and shoving us and the kids got last year  :(  Just not sure what cold without Christmas decorations will be like but I am liking those queuing times!!! When did you go? and where did you stay?

Sequoia Lodge 2007
Sequoia Lodge 2008
2011 DCR Yipeee 3rd Christmas as DLP!!


Just read your trip report, answered questions!!! :oops:
Sequoia Lodge 2007
Sequoia Lodge 2008
2011 DCR Yipeee 3rd Christmas as DLP!!


@ Alan - :) Jacqui and I are not huge fans of very warm weather. We both wrapped up really warm, and so the cold really didn't bother us as much as we thought it would. :P If it had of done, we wouldn't have booked to go at that time of year again.

@ Newbie - .... :lol: I totally forgot that I had actually written a trip report for this trip. I don't think I finished it off though, and I certainly didn't include pictures because I only uploaded them recently!

:D Long story short, DLRP is a magical place, no matter what time of year you go.


The first time I went to DLRP was in January 2002 and although it was so uninmaginably cold it was so quiet. We went with the school and there were hundreds of school kids because they had design technology seminars (I still have my certificate the school made, sad I know!) and even with all the school it kids we never had to queue for a single ride.
I think that it was in part due to the fact that Studio's hadn't opened yet but it's nice to hear that it's still relatively quiet, especially as I'm trying to convince my other half to go this January, so far so good [-o<
Jan 2002- Cheyenne,
Nov 2004- Santa Fe,
July 2005- Santa Fe,
March 2007- Cheyenne,
Sept 2007- Cheyenne,
Oct 2008- HNY,
Jan 2010- Santa Fe,
Sept/Oct 2013- Cheyenne (Alice's first trip),
Feb 2015- DLH (Isaac's first trip and Alice's birthday trip)
June 2016- Sequoia Lodge


@ jeakat - :) I think that going when it's quieter is definatly worth sacrificing the warm weather. Like you said, it is indeed very cold. :P But I always say that it's much easier to warm up when you're cold than it is to cool down when you're hot.


Very nice!! :D  You can totally get the wintery feel from the photos but as I was saying to my mum earlier there is something I love about going to Disneyland Paris in the winter months.. I love wrapping up warm and getting a hot chocolate and getting nice warm hugs from characters hehe!! :D  :D

Is the Jacket your wearing in the first photo a Cheshire cat jacket or was it just a great find because its very Cheshire cat in Colour hehe!! :D  :D Big thumbs up pn the scarf too! :D/

Yay stitch on the character express/minnie's party train  :P  hehe! =D>
Luv Aveen xoxo


:P Although I do have 3 proper Cheshire Cat jackets, that isn't one of them. That's just an awesome fleece/wooly jacket I bought because it resembled Cheshire Cat stripes! :D I like how it goes with my Cheshire scarf and gloves, and it will definatly match with the plush Cheshire Cat hat I got recently.


Quote from: "Masamune"[color=#FF40FF Like you said, it is indeed very cold.
Jan 2002- Cheyenne,
Nov 2004- Santa Fe,
July 2005- Santa Fe,
March 2007- Cheyenne,
Sept 2007- Cheyenne,
Oct 2008- HNY,
Jan 2010- Santa Fe,
Sept/Oct 2013- Cheyenne (Alice's first trip),
Feb 2015- DLH (Isaac's first trip and Alice's birthday trip)
June 2016- Sequoia Lodge