Is it time for another park?

Started by Mickey1, July 18, 2009, 01:27:26 AM

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A big indoor water park could rock, but only if MAJORLY themed properly, so it doesnt just look like Center Parcs or something.

But then again, DLP isn't massively popular as the other parks, nor does it have tons of money, hence a lot of the main park and studios park still need rennovating or refreshing, expanding, more theming, more performers etc.

A third park might just increase these problems.

Adam (TR Wolf) on the left, and Phil on the right \":)\"


QuoteDLP isn't massively popular as the other parks

12,688,000 visitors in 2008 makes Disneyland Park the 4th most visited theme park in the world. I'd call that massive.  :)


Look towards 2020 before you will see a new park Eurodisney has no money, lots of dept and already has many new attractions in development with no idea where the money is coming from to pay for it.


Quote from: "Kristof"
QuoteDLP isn't massively popular as the other parks

12,688,000 visitors in 2008 makes Disneyland Park the 4th most visited theme park in the world. I'd call that massive.  :)

I meant the other Disney Parks.

Adam (TR Wolf) on the left, and Phil on the right \":)\"


I think a third park would be great but is a long way off !!! They need to fix the Studios first , and expand there before they could think of a new gate.They would need to be turning a healthy profit before anyone would put the money up for a brand new park, so in reality I think we have a very long wait ahead of us !!!! :(


I think its a good thing that we will have to wait a while before a new park in built.

I'd say that Disneyland Park has been neglected since the Studios have been built, all the money is going into the Studios to make it a good park.
Its definitely not the time to neglect Disneyland Park and the Studios just so another park can be built.

Its quality over quantity, in my opinion.


I think there was time scales put in place by the french goverment on the land, that certain milestones have to be reached in a timeframe, thats why studios was rushed, it had to have the second gate open within 10 years or they lose the land, i am not to sure waht time scale they have in place for a 3rd gate, but eurodisney corp have to have the land used, or it goes back to goverment hands.. correct me if im wrong but the moderators on here know more


The more I think about it, the more I think instead of a third park, perhaps they'd do better to expand and improve the 2 existing parks, and work on expanding and making Disney Village more like WDW's Downtown Disney.

Adam (TR Wolf) on the left, and Phil on the right \":)\"


I agree, one of the main reasons I always felt Disneyland is so much better than WDW is that it is quality over quantity. As much as I love Epcot and DAK, there is no doubt the MK and DHS have suffered as WDW got bigger.

Given that DLP and WDS are not up to what they could be, my preference would be for more investment in the existing parks. Now, if they could do that and build a 3rd park, that would be awesome!
since 2001 (many before that)

Hathaway Browne

I'm pretty much of the same opinion of many - fix WDS to the park it should be and spruce up parts of DLP along the way before looking at the Third Gate.

That's not to say I'm against one, its just a case of getting priorities in the right order.
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Walts heir

i dont think they will anytime soon the space is here but not the money
Also disney is too buisy building a new park in shangai even though there are already 2 parks in asia
also a waterpark isnt a good idea because of the weather
also it would be better if thety extended the current parks with rides such as the tikki room splash mountain the matterhorn ..etc
but i certainly hope they do open a new park


I think when the time is right (maybe in 10 years time) after WDS has bulked out with new rides then a 3rd gate should open but the problem is what should the new park be based around, Do we want to see a replica of another disney park or a completly new idea?
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Walts heir

A replica of epcot would be great but very very very unlikely


I posted a topic in The Sorcerer's Workshop without realising this was here... so sorry about that. But I've worked out the average length between Disney parks opening at the seperate resorts is 15 years and 9 months. So considering that WDS opened in 2002, I reckon we will see a new park opening in 2017-18; but it won't be the huge third gate, it will an indoor water park (LAVA LAGOON!!!)  [-o<   [-o< . Then I can see a third gate opening in 2032, a world showcase kind of thing, Disney's World Adventure, in time for the 40th anniversary. Only 23 years to go then.  :D

Walts heir

Wow that's long I certainely hope they will open a new one sooner