Discoveryland area music is BACK!!!

Started by Kristof, March 19, 2006, 05:51:56 PM

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The Discoveryland area music has been turned again, after almost a year!  Good news huh...  :D

Let's hope that the Discoveryland dedication and the Planetarium statue will return soon too.


This is the best news ever!!!  The land was so dull without it last year - this is yet another sign (along with the rehabs and returning attractions) that they seem to be understanding what people want.


This is the best news I heard about Discoveryland in a very, very long time! Great! I always loved the Discoveryland area loops, and having it back after a long time is wonderful! I always felt like the Discoveryland music was the best of the whole Disneyland Park.

By the way; now I mention it, can you imagine a Disney park whithout its area loops? It adds so much atmosphere. Think of Main Street, Discoveryland, Frontierland, the Chateau area and even Frontlot, Animation Courtyard and the queue area of Armageddon (for example) without music! Its such an important part of the whole Disney concept.  :o


Quote from: "Maarten"By the way; now I mention it, can you imagine a Disney park whithout its area loops? It adds so much atmosphere. Think of Main Street, Discoveryland, Frontierland, the Chateau area and even Frontlot, Animation Courtyard and the queue area of Armageddon (for example) without music! Its such an important part of the whole Disney concept.  :o
Yeah, definitely.  And it's not just the theme parks - the best Disney films have the best songs/score, and then there's the Theatrical productions and more.... Music is a really major part of the whole "magic", and it's something Disney have been consistently good at since the first sound cartoons.

"With a smile and a song...", as they say...  :wink:


It's not the same area music though, is it?  They've changed it somehow, I'm sure.  I still like it, but it's not as good...

The Discoveryland-ish music they had on after Buzz opened was really good, I'll have to find it on my video tomorrow.