Castle refurbishment?

Started by nemo1981, February 02, 2009, 02:35:53 PM

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hi guys!

just have a simple question. does anyone know any rumours about refurbishing le chateau? cause i think, it really needs to be done soon...


Nope, nothing is planned at all......  :roll:  :-s


Just imagine running down Main Street shouting, "stand in front of the castle entrance" for a photo, then through the camera viewfinder you notice that the castle is full of scaffolding..Oh dear :shock:  :P

Often makes me wonder if the castle was to be fully refurbished, when they would pick to do it.. :?:  We've already had some scaffolding near the castle when the bridge was refurbished and we saw what that looked like, even though it was well worth it when they finished.. :D

Miss Tinkerbell

maybe a poster like the one they have for the studio's entrance, and emporium? with the castle tower sticking out of the top of it  :-"


Does anyone else remember the time when they had the Castle towers covered up? I think it was around the 5th Anniversary. They had the huge Jester hats on top of each tower.

When we visited they were covered up in white sheeting with a outline of the normal towers and the 3 Faires from Sleeping Beauty flying around.


Castles too need to be refurbished from time to time. And it's not like the world hasn't got enough pictures of people standing in front of them.

Whenever they repaint Cinderella Castle at the Magic Kingdom, by the way, I'm pretty sure they don't use scaffolding at all. They just get a crane up there. That wouldn't rain on anyone's vacation. Then again, it has a pretty simple paint scheme, unlike the Chateau's with its intricate shading and aging.

But yes, it really needs one. The inside could use a few repairmen as well.


I remember the sheeting over the scaffolds too- it had the whole castle printed onto the fabric- a dead clever way of getting around the problem of having ugly scaffolding. I've seen the same thing used in London a couple of times


Thanks for your answers!

Of course the castle would look ugly during the time being refurbished, but in my opinion it would be worth it...


It would definately be worth it and I personally wouldn't mind going while it was being redone, but I'd feel so sorry for people who've never been before
Jan 2002- Cheyenne,
Nov 2004- Santa Fe,
July 2005- Santa Fe,
March 2007- Cheyenne,
Sept 2007- Cheyenne,
Oct 2008- HNY,
Jan 2010- Santa Fe,
Sept/Oct 2013- Cheyenne (Alice's first trip),
Feb 2015- DLH (Isaac's first trip and Alice's birthday trip)
June 2016- Sequoia Lodge


TDR have a really good idea of basically doing what they did to studio 1 in DLRP.
They set up the scaffolding and then simply cover it entirely with a tarpualin which has a picture of the castle. But they align it so perfectly.

See: ... 09.jpg?v=0
[size=150]Long Live MagicForum![/size]

Love From Magical Mouse 125


Thanks for the picture magicalmouse! The studios one is quite well lined up but it looks really silly on a cloudy day as they've it bright blue sky, but that castle one is very well done
Jan 2002- Cheyenne,
Nov 2004- Santa Fe,
July 2005- Santa Fe,
March 2007- Cheyenne,
Sept 2007- Cheyenne,
Oct 2008- HNY,
Jan 2010- Santa Fe,
Sept/Oct 2013- Cheyenne (Alice's first trip),
Feb 2015- DLH (Isaac's first trip and Alice's birthday trip)
June 2016- Sequoia Lodge

Miss Tinkerbell

Quote from: "Willow"Does anyone else remember the time when they had the Castle towers covered up? I think it was around the 5th Anniversary. They had the huge Jester hats on top of each tower.

When we visited they were covered up in white sheeting with a outline of the normal towers and the 3 Faires from Sleeping Beauty flying around.

Did you take a picture of this? l'd love to see it but l can't find any pics online


Quote from: "Miss Tinkerbell"
Quote from: "Willow"Does anyone else remember the time when they had the Castle towers covered up? I think it was around the 5th Anniversary. They had the huge Jester hats on top of each tower.

When we visited they were covered up in white sheeting with a outline of the normal towers and the 3 Faires from Sleeping Beauty flying around.

Did you take a picture of this? l'd love to see it but l can't find any pics online

Sorry no, I was a child at the time and we used to visit loads so never took a camera.


I remember the old scafholding from reports of a friend of mine. He was at DLP and was very sad cause he couldn´t see the castle. He had also some pics but I´ve seen him the last time....maybe....8 years ago??? :(
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