Pin Trading: Disney Store UK

Started by casschr05, January 22, 2009, 09:28:16 PM

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Quote from: "Aveen2008"Have you done anymore trading lately?

I will hopefully do some more trading tomorrow :D/
Well it's Jen who mainly trades, since she had a few to trade when we first started. I was thinking of buying some of the starter packs next time I go to DLRP to trade in my local, since Jen only has one left to trade now..  :(

Though there was an occasion I just bought some £3.00 Core Pins to trade for a few limited ones I noticed on their lanyard..  :mrgreen:

Otherwise the rest I just buy, saying that I might be tempted to but a few more I've already got just to trade if I see some good ones on their lanyards in the up and coming weeks..  :wink:  :D



I am running out of pins to trade so I have ordered some more on ebay from a seller I have bought from in the past!  :D/  I have 2 left for trading tomorrow and if worst comes to worst i do have some on my DLP lanyards that im willing to trade! :D  :D  :D
Luv Aveen xoxo


Hey guys,

went into my local (an hour away) disney store yesterday (tuesday) to get the snow white romance pin and the mary poppins one but they weren't in....there has been a hold up with their delivery :(  :(  :(  but the staff was lovely to me and one of them took my number and said she would ring when they come guessing its gonna be friday or saturday though cus I think that's the nights the store gets their delivery. Even though I was disappointed I couldn't fault them for the lovely friendly service! :D/

I traded for these two pins...


Snow white

I love these pins and I know they are official but they dont have the trading logo on them, just disney...are they still tradeable?? :?  I don't mind as I am keeping them for my own collection but if I wanted to trade them again in the future could I??
Luv Aveen xoxo


Yayye got the Snow white romance pin and Mary poppins pins today! :D/  :D/

Traded for two as well although they aren't great. Another one or two people are trading at my local store which is great, one girl traded today before me but she just bought the £3 pins and traded them onto the lanyard so nothing exciting really :? although I totally understand why people do that!
Luv Aveen xoxo


Jen would love that Snow White Pin for sure Aveen.. :D


Quote from: "Javey74"Jen would love that Snow White Pin for sure Aveen.. :D

aw bless her she must just love the princesses! :D

Here's the two pins I traded for on thursday...again no trading stamp on them.. I wasn't too fused on them to be honest but there wasnt really any great pins on the lanyards at the moment...they are mainly my pins I have traded in. I like the Happy birthday one cus it's cute but i am a bit tired of Tinkerbell pins :oops: ...

Luv Aveen xoxo


I love the classic one, but I also like the lilac shading on the Tinkerbell one, reminds me of the colour of the walls in Jens room..  :mrgreen:


Quote from: "Javey74"I love the classic one, but I also like the lilac shading on the Tinkerbell one, reminds me of the colour of the walls in Jens room..  :mrgreen:

Hehe my walls are that colour too and two are slightly more a shade of pink...very girly indeed lol! :P
Luv Aveen xoxo


Quote from: "Aveen2008"
Quote from: "Javey74"I love the classic one, but I also like the lilac shading on the Tinkerbell one, reminds me of the colour of the walls in Jens room..  :mrgreen:

Hehe my walls are that colour too and two are slightly more a shade of pink...very girly indeed lol! :P
Princess colours see, you've both got great tastes..  :D


I've just looked at next month's upcoming pins and I'm shocked to find I actually don't want any of them! There's 3 LE's - an Aladdin one, a Hercules one and what looks like A Bug's Life one... There's also a (yet another) core Tinkerbell pin coming out at the end of the month  :roll: I have to say I love Tink as much as the next Disney character but there is such a thing as overkill!



Quote from: "Snow_White_Girl"I've just looked at next month's upcoming pins and I'm shocked to find I actually don't want any of them! There's 3 LE's - an Aladdin one, a Hercules one and what looks like A Bug's Life one... There's also a (yet another) core Tinkerbell pin coming out at the end of the month  :roll: I have to say I love Tink as much as the next Disney character but there is such a thing as overkill!

It took me a while to figure out what the hercules one actually was! I am not fussed on any of them either to be honest including the core pin but I guess that is money saved! :?
Luv Aveen xoxo


:) I think the Hercules one is great. I'm guessing that that one and the Aladdin one must be in the same series. I really want to buy the Robin Hood pin, but I'm going to wait and see if I can get it on eBay at some point before splashing out on the website.


Quote from: "Masamune" :) I think the Hercules one is great. I'm guessing that that one and the Aladdin one must be in the same series. I really want to buy the Robin Hood pin, but I'm going to wait and see if I can get it on eBay at some point before splashing out on the website.

uh-o I just realised your right they must be the same series...I don't think I am going to like them but I guess it's only fair to the male collectors since the romance series would have appealed to the female collectors more.
Luv Aveen xoxo


It would be nice if they were a series...I still think that the UK LE pins are over priced for what they are I mean look at the Lion King pin it was only £3 so it sold well people are put off by paying that extra £5 if they made the slightlly cheaper I'm sure that they'd have a much wider appeal.


Quote from: "Eager_Eyes"It would be nice if they were a series...I still think that the UK LE pins are over priced for what they are I mean look at the Lion King pin it was only £3 so it sold well people are put off by paying that extra £5 if they made the slightlly cheaper I'm sure that they'd have a much wider appeal.

I think that's true, if pins were cheaper in general I think they would sell better but I guess by keeping them dearer it means only true pin traders will buy them. I don't think Disney want them to be on appeal to a wide audience as such, they want them to be a collectors item more than a play thing if you know what I mean. If they were cheaop little kids would be running around with them and I think maybe it would take away from the specialness of the whole Pin trading/collecting scene. This is only my guess or opinion but I do think £8 for a pin is too much (online edition) or even £7 is quite dear.

Luv Aveen xoxo