Kids Carnival 2006

Started by Dlrpfan, January 17, 2006, 06:43:58 PM

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Carnival Fever Dance Party

The rather odd entrance sign has returned, and there's new "Program" boards with carnival times on:

There is most certainly no DJ this year!  I had no idea there wouldn't be one... I must have missed something!  This year, the "dance parties" are a bit different, with characters and face painting being the key features, no dodgy party music! (as far as i know! lol) :

You might have noticed them in the Jungle Carnival photos - this year there appears to be two new presenters/organisers, who have radio microphones and seem to control carnival events and get everyone involved.  Their names?  "Carni" and "Val". :lol:

Lots of characters, many the same as last year, some with a few extra Kids Carnival touches compared to 2005:

Carni and Val again, they even have their names sewn into their clothes!  How cool are they?!  I wonder if the actual performers will change throughout the carnival, it surely can't be the same people everyday?

People arrive carrying odd boxes, it seems that these are for the face painting, so last year's portable eisel-style things musn't have been a success:

The actress playing Alice is a particularly good look-a-like at the moment:

Again - your thoughts?  Are the presenters a good idea?


Official Photos

They're here already!  Here are the interesting ones, featuring new things:

The redesigned Kaa puppet again.  Last year they had people holding the poles, this year they're on wheels and pulled along by an explorer guy on a bike:

Minnie has a slightly jazzier costume this year:

A crazy new "Under the Sea" prop:

Chip/Dale (i can never get it right!) sporting what I think is a new waistcoat.  What's that in the background? :

Cleo from Pinocchio.  It doesn't look as bright as the concept art, they've made it look a bit *too* rusty IMO:

More in a minute...


Pluto with a fishy new prop:

A spiky puffa-fish-style wheelable prop:

And now, the one i've been waiting for, it's Ariel!!

So - what do you think?  Do you like what you see?

Here's my opinion: :wink: I LOVE Ariel - the carriage is beautiful and the starfish looks nice and bright, but I'm actually not a big fan of Cleo or the Vulture at the moment, the costumes don't look very good. :(  I think "Carni" and "Val" are a good idea too - it's good to have humans there to get the crowd involved a bit more, even if they are a bit cheesy!  :lol:


OMG!!! Esmeralda is out during Kids' Carnival!!!  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  Follow this link to the Disneytheque (they don't allow image hotlinking). ... l#extended


Cany believe that! :shock:
Remember Dreams Come True! \":mickey2:\"

[size=100]\'We Keep Moving Forward\' [/i][/size] - Walt Disney

Disneyland Resort - 2007 2010
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Disney Cruise Line - Disney Wonder: 2008 2009 Disney Dream: 2011 Disney Fantasy: 2012


It's all seems to be much cooler as last year. I love Ariel's carriage. And Esmeralda!!!!!  :P  :P  :P


Yeah, I'm really surprised at how much better it looks compared to last year!  Maybe we were just a bit too harsh back then?

Anyway, the sheer amount of props, characters and dancers during these carnivals looks i-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-e!!!  I know there's probably actually fewer people than during, say, WWODP, but the way they're all organised and totally fill carnival square with all that colour and excitement is just fantasic.

This looks like it has the best carnival yet, and I think perhaps the Kids Carnival will gain the same popularity and word of mouth as Halloween/Christmas a lot sooner than I expected!  :D

CONGRATULATIONS DLRP!!!  You finally made a carnival that is: a true carnival!!   =D>

If this is what DLRP can do with some small mini-parades for a carnival season, imagine what their 15th Anniversary Parade will be like!!!  :o


Good news for character fans!  Clopin was also out yesterday!!!


Here are our Kids' Carnival 2006 photos! ... ival_2006/


WOW!  :o Amazing photos!!!  I think they're your best collection yet!  Definately put the official ones to shame...

Looks like you had really nice weather too.  :D


the weather was incredible. Raptor"s mum sended him a message it was snowing at home while in DLRP there was no cloud in the sky. Past noon, a few clouds came through, but still very shiny.