It's Party Time... with Mickey and Friends (MMP)

Started by Kristof, November 24, 2008, 03:07:20 PM

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Nobody standing in front of the smaller stages will be able to see the main stage. Maybe the layout makes sense for the show but much lower down small stages would have been better with a higher main stage.

Will be best to watch the show between 2 small stages so you can see the main stage at the same time.

Still think its a cool stage though.



Just a picture of the stage used for St Patrick's Day before the fireworks to see how huge it is !


It sure does look big with quite a depth from that angle..  :wink:  :D


The stage looks huge but it is a shame about the height of it. If they lowered the satellite stages just a bit. so the audience could see the action on the central stage!
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Love From Magical Mouse 125


This is starting to get me a bit worried :? will you still be able to stand at the gate and see the main stage?
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]


If the view's so terrible, how did they take the picture above? Did they take a step-ladder with them or something?
Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!


I was on-park over Halloween when they were taking some press shots of the Villains Showtime. They had step ladders to get a good view for the pictures.

They even had a bit of scaffolding and wood to stand on. Totally wrecked the view for everyone looking down Main Street.

You could probably get that picture by sticking your camera in the air.

Agent Lex

Quote from: "Kris"If the view's so terrible, how did they take the picture above? Did they take a step-ladder with them or something?
I certainly saw no step-ladders when I saw that event! :P

Quote from: "Willow"You could probably get that picture by sticking your camera in the air.
This is probably more likely.

It's true that, right up at the stage, it's hard to see the rest. But at even a short distance, say across the road around the plaza, it's fully viewable. I'd rather the people further away be able to see the satellite stages than the people right up close, in four spots, have a view of the main stage. If they had lowered the satellite stages further, it would be impossible to see them from a distance, with everyone in the way.


Quote from: "MagicKenny"Not actually part of the show, but see main street:

Sorry but I don´t like that much. It´s a bit like "let the 15. birthday die but don´t let it die!" A simple change of some posters doesn´t make a disney event and by the way it´s time to have some SMALL not BIG AS HELL decorations cause that no resort birthday. Just a simple marketing event. How would they boost the masses after this all-year(s)-decorations for the 20. birthday?  :roll:

Why not this simple decorations from DL Anaheim. It´s ok for a party event, it´s at the original main street lampposts and not at this huge ones and it´s more main street style. Again I´m not happy about MMP.  :(
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Well looking at everything I've seen, I'd say the best view point would be where I've put the red arrows>>

Since at ground height, this shot of Flor's say's it all..  :roll:


They would be the best place to stand Javey.

They wouldn't be very good if anyone was filming/photographing the show whilst the spotlights are on. The lights shine exactly towards the red arrows.
Also some trees can get in the way.


Quote from: "Willow"They would be the best place to stand Javey.

They wouldn't be very good if anyone was filming/photographing the show whilst the spotlights are on. The lights shine exactly towards the red arrows.
Also some trees can get in the way.
You have a point there Willow, maybe Disney have done it for that very reason, but maybe not..  :roll:


Javie Said:       You have a point there Willow, maybe Disney have done it for that very reason, but maybe not..  :roll

Are you suggesting that Disney would purposely put the lights there so you could'nt film it from that angle and then raise the stage to a ridiculous level so that you can't film it from in front. No way. Could this be some random part of a secret plan of Disney's
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Love From Magical Mouse 125


Well it is possible, especially where Disney Management is concerned, they always do things for reasons, but often not reasons that the public get to know about..  :wink:  :D


ooo dear, the first soft openings have been cancelled...due to the show directors deeming it as "not ready and untidy".

from what iv seen, i was dissapointed, there really isnt a storyline (and im a sucker for shows with cute storys)  minimal character playback, far too much dancing and when i saw the characters dance it looked a little awkward. the music is very chopping and badly edited too. however,the bright side is, its gonna be a massive spectacle, lots of colour lots of special effects, the dancing is lovely, but its hardly a character show, and it all seems very random. i think kids will like watching it, but at the moment i prefer the stitch show in discoveryland.

honestly i prefer candelabration and miss it dearly!

will post more info once iv seen the finished production. im crossing my fingers and hoping for the best!
~ just like we dreamed it ~