DLRP 23rd - 26th November 2008

Started by Samninetysix, December 09, 2008, 01:08:31 PM

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Just a few pics for now - will get Jayna62 to write a report :)

*Added some more pics further down this post*

Our daughter in front of the tree outside HNY

Looks all golden :)

Yee Hawww

Got some really unusual panorama pics that i'll post later today


Thanks for those, nice pictures!!

Looking forward for more...  :D And that report too!


Yeah, thanks for the pictures, I love the lighting on them.. :D/  :D/

Looking forward to some more, aswell as the Trip Report itself.. :wink:  :D

The Butlin Boy

Fantastic photos, I can't wait for the rest of your report :)


Nice.......very nice indeed =D>

Epcot_Boy :santa:



thanks for the photos, I'm looking forward to the report and the rest :D


A few more images, these were taken with a samsung omnia mobile phone using it's built in "panorama" setting

Town Square from the Kodak shop on the left round to the station on the right



and Studios (bit blurry this one)

And a couple more standard pics

And the original images from this post just bigger....

Had to sit the camera on top of the car for this one :D


Great photos, especially the panorama-pics. Hopefully there will follow some more!

The Butlin Boy

The panoramic photos are brilliant. As for the normal ones, I absolutely love the Studios gate one, the lighting is spectacular =D>

Thanks for sharing :)


nice pictures, especially the panorame ones :shock:


what great pics from the phone they were superb