Dribble Monkeys 1st Trip to DLRP - Pre Trip

Started by cap'njack, September 25, 2008, 01:04:01 PM

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Dribble Monkeys 1st Trip to DLRP

5th - 10th October 2008

Pre Trip

The Cast

Me (John) - 26 year old who loves Disney Pixar films and has an unhealthy obsession for Toy Story and all things Toy Story related. Has been going to DLRP ever since my first trip in 1992 when my Dad was part of the Opening Crew, he was the poor sausage who was in charge of putting all the light bulbs on the Mad Hatters Tea Cup ride. Has also been to Disney World Florida three times but much prefers DLRP. Started suffering from withdrawal symptoms when his adorable little boy pointed to my DLRP hoodie and said 'Mickey'

DW (Ellie) - 25 year old Disney lover who doesn't even try and pretend that she dislikes Disney, not too pleased with her husbands love of Disney Pixar as she prefers the classics films. Tried to play it cool when DLRP was discussed but was fighting back the tears when the trip was confirmed. Has only ever been twice before so most of the park is still quite new and exciting to her.

DS (Kacee) - 18 month old dribble monkey who loves "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse", "Handy Manny" and "My Friends Tigger and Pooh" and can already say 'Mickey', 'Oh Toodles' and can name the entire cast of "My Friends Tigger and Pooh". We are hoping that he will enjoy DLRP however fully aware that he probably won't remember the trip at all :-)

The Background
Back in 2004 DW and myself visited DLRP for 4 nights at the Santa Fe hotel. We had an amazing time, the park was so empty (it was the 2nd week in September) we actually managed to do every ride in the park in just the one day. We said then that we would defiantly go to DLRP every year as we both enjoyed ourselves so much. Little did we know that we weren't going to go back for 4 years. We initially started planning a trip for 2006 however we decided to go to Las Vegas instead, the very next year my wife fell pregnant so we decided to skip DLRP again and wait for when the monkey was old enough. Little man came along and we were planning a trip for early 2008 however we decided to go Snowboarding instead. The entire extended family thought that DS was far too young to go to DLRP, and I kind of agreed until that fateful day in May when he suddenly grabbed my DLRP hoody and said 'Daddy, Mickey, Mickey' I decided then that we had to go again, and as soon as possible!

The Planning
I started looking at when to go, where to stay etc and then I picked up a copy of the Sun and saw that they were starting their £9.50 holidays again. I saved up the tokens in the vague hope that there may be a park within an hour of DLRP, filled in the form and waited, the form came back with Le Chenne Gris, only a 20 minute drive from DLRP and a beautiful wooden cabin, much the same as DCR!

The Countdown
DS had a mini countdown in his room, although he is too young to really understand he knows that Mummy and Daddy are very happy every time they tick a day off the list. A main countdown on our fridge out of letter magnets helps the parents get through the long days at work with a small smile.

The Final Preparations
Post count on disboard increased 10 fold as I started asking all the stupid questions that I could think of, most of which I knew anyway and some that I had even answered for others, the excitement got to me and started to affect my memory. Preparations were slightly changed when I decided that the 4am ferry on the Monday morning was far too early and may result in Kacee becoming a very unhappy dribble monkey, I decided to change the ferry to the Sunday morning and book into the Premiere Classe Hotel in Chelles, about 10 minutes driving time from DLRP at a cost of £28!

Trip Goals
* To get a photo of DS with Mickey Mouse
* Introduce DS to DLRP and just have fun with him
* To see DLRP through the eyes of an 18 month old
* To see and appreciate the little things that often get missed on an 'Adrenaline Trip' to DRLP


Welcome aboard Capt. Kiss goodbye doing the park in the day between the new crowds and the little one.

But here's to an amazing lifetime ahead of you to enjoy the parks as a family!
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Welcome aboard Capt. Kiss goodbye doing the park in the day between the new crowds and the little one.

But here's to an amazing lifetime ahead of you to enjoy the parks as a family!

Thanks davewasbaloo.

We have given up any hope of achieving anything quickly with Kacee in tow! Just looking forward to seeing his face light up when we get there!



Welcome Capn  :)

You'll have a great time through those 18 month old eyes  :D

Happy sailing on the DLRP waters and have a great time.

From the mansion on the hill
Shrieks of laughter break the still
Ghoulish figures start to wake
Makes your knees begin to quake

DLRP - We\'ve been there one or two times .....


Have a fantastic time!  :D