new rides (the lack of)

Started by david, August 07, 2008, 12:52:16 PM

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i was having a conversation with a guy who has only been to disneyland once in his childhood about how much better dlp is than alton towers- and he raised a point that made me realise something.

He asked me what new rides have opened in recent years in disneyland and naturally i listed through the millions of euros worth of new rides- tower of terror, crush's coaster, cars, stitch and buzz. That shut him up- but got me thinking about these new rides and a bit of a dissappointing trend. the only new ride in the disneyland park is buzz lightyear's laser blast- and there have been no others as far as i can remember for a very long time. i suppose you can argue mission 2 is a new ride, but it isn't- aside from a few relatively minor changes, it is the same ride that has been there for about 13 years now.

the 15th anniversary has come and nearly gone and disneyland park only has the one new ride to show for it, while next door, the second park is getting a fortune spent on it. While i think that is certainly much needed, it seems that the first park is getting neglected somewhat. there are now lots of rumoured rides expected to open in the coming years in WDS, but nothing is rumoured for dlp other than the rumoured rides that have been expected to be 'just around the corner' since 1992.

dlp also seems to be getting a bit neglected in terms of maintenance and upkeep recently- as the wish list pointed out, the maze, the tree and the castle are all looking tired.

i might be making mountains out of molehills here, but it has been a dissappointingly slow development for dlp in the last ten years.


I'd say the main reason DLP hasn't been getting many new attractions is because of WDS, when the second park opened it seemed very bare with a lot of gaps which needed to be filled, which were with ToT, Crush etc.  They want WDS to be a full day park just like DLP is, no point spending all that time and money on a second park if it is going to hold hardly any attractions, that's why i'm so excited about the rumoured new 3 attractions coming, WDS is going :D  So how i see it DLP won't be touched until WDS is how they want it.
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Indeed Breeno, and Disneyland Park was also the place were most new shows and spectacles happened.  The past 10 years there were numerous seasons, new shows and events.


shows are all well and good (or in the case of the lion king, excellent) but i can't imagine they have the same kind of impact on guest approval ratings or the number of people who come through the gates. i would much rather ride more rides than see more shows.


Quote from: "davidrsykes"shows are all well and good (or in the case of the lion king, excellent) but i can't imagine they have the same kind of impact on guest approval ratings or the number of people who come through the gates. i would much rather ride more rides than see more shows.
And incidentally, a new attraction costs a hell of a lot more money than a new piece of entertainment.

I'd like something new at DLP too, I was gazing at the empty areas underneath Frontierland and Adventureland on the tips board last time wishing we had something extra there, but you can understand that WDS needed and still needs 99% of all the money they've got.

I'm sure there'll be something at DLP before the 20th at least.


Plus DLRP, has al the attractions everyone who goes to disney would no about so they constantly dont need attractions to keep crowds up as its a constant crowd puller. WDS which alot of people are now realising is a great park will get alot of attractions known worldwide or brand new rides based on popular films which will bring the even more crowds to wds. I do think DLP does deserve a new ride for the 20th though.  :)