Tous en train - All Aboard

Started by Javey74, June 24, 2007, 07:38:43 PM

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Hi everyone: Just a quickie question

Anyone shed any light on how long it will take "Tous en train - All Aboard" to be released on CD.  I love it ! !  There's nothing worse than listening to it, really liking it, going back home, humming it, knowing you cannot get your hands on it ! ! !

From an avid Disney CD Collector.

Hopefully the answer is "Not Too Long"


P.s By the way I don't know about you, but I love the minder/dancers uniforms, the design is fab. Blue caps with contrasting powder blue jackets and Brilliant white bottoms and shoes.  I especially like the swirvey embroided gold writing on the rear of the jackets. Nice touch ! !


The answer is sadly we don't know, I'm gonna go with not until at least dlrp releases a new les parades en musique cd, but even by then it may be too late.  After all they have released a 15th anniversary cd already and it's not on it.


Greeting from in-side the magic...

i have the music from the charactor express and got it from xxxxxxx this site is where you get new music every 2 weeks to download free ..

have a look and if anybody needs then give me your email and i send it to you ...
Living The Dream Making The Magic


That is an illegal sharing website, removed the URL.

Offering mp3's through the message board is considered illegal as well.  Please read our magicforum dos and don'ts.

Edit: It just came to my attention that this actually belongs in the Characters'  Express topic, thus closing.