Adults in costume?in Paris parks...

Started by anthonysprincess, May 01, 2008, 01:02:43 AM

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Haha, yeah, it is silly i agree, but i guess you can just kind of see the reasoning behind it. They just go on the old addage of better to be safe than sorry no doubt.


Quote from: "ScroogeMcDuck"Haha, yeah, it is silly i agree, but i guess you can just kind of see the reasoning behind it. They just go on the old addage of better to be safe than sorry no doubt.
No its silly to block a dress just cuz it has Minnie on it. I think its fine to block costumes... I just dont think this counts... see its very similar in style to every other dress I wear on a daily basis(I wear Lolita-style) to the parks and they have no problem with them-so I dont think its a costume just because it has Minnie on it that's what I mean.
 I also got harrassed by a manager about this. Its a long story but he got very nasty with me and said "Let me ask you a question, WHY did you wear this today" insinuating that I had some sinister plan because I wore a dress with Minnie Mouse on it. Also tried to get me fired :D but thats a story for another day....


But surely if its a dress you bought in the park, it would be allowed?

When I went I bought a Minnie Mouse dress, and they let me in wearing it?!


Quote from: "MinniesBestPal"But surely if its a dress you bought in the park, it would be allowed?

When I went I bought a Minnie Mouse dress, and they let me in wearing it?!
but youre still considered a little kid ^_^ its allowed til age 12 i believe. although ive seen kids way older than that like up to 15... well people sometimes THINK im 12 maybe ill try n pretend im a kid n get in-jk jk


Quotebut youre still considered a little kid ^_^ its allowed til age 12 i believe. although ive seen kids way older than that like up to 15... well people sometimes THINK im 12 maybe ill try n pretend im a kid n get in-jk jk

Ugh! That gets on my nerves! No offense to you! But everywhere we go its "2 children's menus?" and I really hate it! I mean, I don't want to grow up too fast, but don't they think I look a bit old to be sitting in a restaurant with a packet of crayons?


Quote from: "MinniesBestPal"
Quotebut youre still considered a little kid ^_^ its allowed til age 12 i believe. although ive seen kids way older than that like up to 15... well people sometimes THINK im 12 maybe ill try n pretend im a kid n get in-jk jk

Ugh! That gets on my nerves! No offense to you! But everywhere we go its "2 children's menus?" and I really hate it! I mean, I don't want to grow up too fast, but don't they think I look a bit old to be sitting in a restaurant with a packet of crayons?
aw I didnt mean it in that way though! Its just that youre allowed because of that. Dont worry-even when I have been working people think Im 12 or 13-I mean seriously would Disney illegally employ underage children? To operate heavy machinery??? People are just dumb dont worry about it :p

...besides uhm... I still use the crayons whenever possible  :oops:  :oops:  :oops:
hahaha its really true too!


I dont mind using crayons! They're great art tools! They blend easily, but its just when you go in a restaurant, like pizza hut last week. I walked in the door and was immediately handed a scooby doo colouring book, and a packet of four, green, blue and yellow...

Yes, I LOVE drawing and colouring, but thats just embarrassing!


Quote from: "MinniesBestPal"I dont mind using crayons! They're great art tools! They blend easily, but its just when you go in a restaurant, like pizza hut last week. I walked in the door and was immediately handed a scooby doo colouring book, and a packet of four, green, blue and yellow...

Yes, I LOVE drawing and colouring, but thats just embarrassing!
no for real i colour in restaurants XD

hahahaha but im not really easily embarrassed... :D/  :-"

i can understand though, how youd feel about that :/

im sorta jealous though, see normally I have to ASK for crayons and I get the funny looks LOL


I give them a sarcastic thanks when they hand me the colouring book and crayons, then leave them on the table, and don't touch them. They usually get a shock when they come back.

I have only ever been asked if I want them in one restaurant. A really fancy one, that, unfortunately, we barely go. Its an italian one, and when I told the waitress no, she said "Great! Its better to ask! If I just give them out, people get offended!"


I've been reading the rest of the posts, since I've been away from the forum for a few days...
I definitely think that you should contact disney about this, let it be DLRP management via e-mail or WDW...
one park can't sell merchandising that's not allowed to be used in the rest of the parks... it's just so stupid!
I mean, your dress has lights and all the million dreams stuff... I guess it wasn't cheap at all... you should contact disney about this issue, come on, you can wear minnie's ears but you can't wear minnie's dress???!? do you look like a mouse in it? NO! ... is it disney quality? YES! isn't that what they're looking for when they look into guests appearance in the parks? YES!
I mean, I've heard of someone trying to enter one of the parks with a sex-reference T-shirt, he wasn't allowed to enter the park and was asked to go back to the hotel to get changed... but i can't see why you can't enter the park with your WDW-merchandise!

ok maybe DLRP is under different management but they should be aware that this world under globalization process is going to bring guests that have re-visited different parks in the whole world (along with their merchandise and souvenirs). they should check what is sold in the rest of the parks and allow people to use it!
i'm wondering what would happen if you buy a costume at DLRP in any non-halloween day and you start wearing it before leaving the park... would they get you out because you're using what you bought? (even if it's for kids and being a grownup you fit in it?)


Quote from: "Tinkerbelle"I've been reading the rest of the posts, since I've been away from the forum for a few days...
I definitely think that you should contact disney about this, let it be DLRP management via e-mail or WDW...
one park can't sell merchandising that's not allowed to be used in the rest of the parks... it's just so stupid!
I mean, your dress has lights and all the million dreams stuff... I guess it wasn't cheap at all... you should contact disney about this issue, come on, you can wear minnie's ears but you can't wear minnie's dress???!? do you look like a mouse in it? NO! ... is it disney quality? YES! isn't that what they're looking for when they look into guests appearance in the parks? YES!
I mean, I've heard of someone trying to enter one of the parks with a ***-reference T-shirt, he wasn't allowed to enter the park and was asked to go back to the hotel to get changed... but i can't see why you can't enter the park with your WDW-merchandise!

ok maybe DLRP is under different management but they should be aware that this world under globalization process is going to bring guests that have re-visited different parks in the whole world (along with their merchandise and souvenirs). they should check what is sold in the rest of the parks and allow people to use it!
i'm wondering what would happen if you buy a costume at DLRP in any non-halloween day and you start wearing it before leaving the park... would they get you out because you're using what you bought? (even if it's for kids and being a grownup you fit in it?)

Ive even seen nasty tshirts and they upset me and theyre allowed in anyways!

You have a great point but I know Disney too well and as I said this man tried to fire me so Im not pushing it. Im still a CM.

Yeah my dress cost 100$, I think it ws a little less with our discount but still! And yes they make you change back into reg clothes supposedly if you change inside the park-only I have SEEN adults wearing full costume in the park and got away with it because they look rediculous!!!

It's actually really unfair but I have to keep my mouth shut because I am a CM-in fact if I wasn't they might be a whole lot nicer about this or even let me in but they are extremely harsh on us about things like this, more than other guests...

And thank you for agreeing that I am not a mouse-that was my argument but they weren't amused. its messed up in my opinion really. AND I paid all that money just so I could wear it TO Disney.

I might try to wear it into Paris anyways tho considering all these points, after all they dont know I wasnt allowed in at MK so it will be a first-time offense there if they deny me.

After all it's really not a costume it is a dress really... IMO... After all if it wasn't made BY Disney they probably would have to let me in since it doesn't actually look like their character. Like for example I wear Lolita-style dresses all the time and they have no problem with it, if it didn't have Minnie's face plastered on it, that's basically what it would be :/


Hm I don´t know how harsh the people at DLRP are but I´ve seen many people wearing everthing you can imagine. So I don´t thing that the problem is such big at DLRP.

I know that WDW is very strict in any cloth questions. A CM told my brother that he must change his shirt cause there was a big sign of FCUK on it (French Connection UK). They had a bigger discussion till another CM told his friend that FCUK is a fashion label and don´t mean the other word that can´t be written in this forum (a bit like voldemort :lol: )

For me it was a bit silly to discussing a shirt label but they seems to be afraid of clothes :lol:
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


1. Crayons are cool, wish Iwas allowed them when i go to pizza hut (my boyfriend tells ne "no its embarassing" lol)

2. Does this mean if I bought a BTM or Jack Skeleton T-shirt I wouldn't be allowed to wear them in the park? What about fairy wings (I've always wanted to do that!)?

I really wish people could wear costumes into the park, it would be so much fun to dress up and have photos taken with the characters and infront of the castle, its not like your walking around with a Mickey Mouse head. (maybe I'll just hide a costume in my bag, they wont notice  :? )

anthonysprincess: that is such a GORGEOUS dress!!! I'm so jelous

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Quote from: "Clarebelle"1. Crayons are cool, wish Iwas allowed them when i go to pizza hut (my boyfriend tells ne "no its embarassing" lol)

2. Does this mean if I bought a BTM or Jack Skeleton T-shirt I wouldn't be allowed to wear them in the park? What about fairy wings (I've always wanted to do that!)?

I really wish people could wear costumes into the park, it would be so much fun to dress up and have photos taken with the characters and infront of the castle, its not like your walking around with a Mickey Mouse head. (maybe I'll just hide a costume in my bag, they wont notice  :? )

anthonysprincess: that is such a GORGEOUS dress!!! I'm so jelous

No... Tshirts are OK ...fairy wings probably are too, but it is so strange the way they judge sometimes. They stop Lolitas coming in sometimes too.

And after this... when I went to DLRP I was not stopped going in in my blue-and-white Lolita dress but I was another day in a pink one...whats up with that? I mean blue and white can almost look like Alice in a way but they were comparing me to Alice in my pink and it really pissed me off. I told them I dress like this every day and it's certainly no costume because I bought it in a fancy Paris boutique and it cost like 200 euros. I had no other clothes and it was the last day I was there and I PAID to get into this park so Im coming in, and you're not the fashion police. It was total bull.

AND BTW Not ONCE in my Lolita dresses did ANYONE think I was a character so there.


Is there like an age limmit to how old you have to be before they don't let u wear a costume???
I'm gonna be 15 when I go to Paris next, and I want to get a costume and wear it round that park...
I was thinkin Alice in Wonderland, but i'm also Brunette... so i wouldn't look like Alice, but would I still be allowed to wear it? if not i won't get one...

Thanks if anyone knows!!
I hope there's not too big an age restriction...

Thank You all!!
Kimbollez xx
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"Oh the Cleverness of Me!!"
Tick Tock Tick Tock... RUN MAN!! RUN!!!!!!

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