Disneyland Trip - December 2007!

Started by MinniesBestPal, April 06, 2008, 10:45:45 PM

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Fantastic trip report Pheobe....

Well done on posting an articulate and extremely interesting report....I am astounded that it was done by someone so young....you had me enthralled...!!!!

I too went for Christmas ( 23rd - 28th Dec ) but your report had me more excited than when I was there myself  :shock:

Can't wait for your next trip....I feel like I know your family so well now  :lol:

5 weeks today we are back to the Magical Land..  :D/ .... going for a full week this time....and hopefully it will be a little warmer than Christmas time!!!!!!

Thanks again for taking the time out to do your report....well done  =D>  xxxxxxxx


Wow! Thanks! Hehe! I keep a diary everyday, and my dad videod and photod most of it! (he likes his technical stuff!) My brother loved it, but didn't admit to liking small world (even though we know he does!) My grandad enjoyed it a lot, but quite often mumbled about my grandma, my grandma was so cool  8) I had no idea she was like that!  My mum loved it, and did all her christmas shopping there, and I just went completely mad cause I'm disneyland obsessed!

I don't know when my next trip will be... my brother starts private school next year ( go to private school too!) and my mum saving every last penny up for him, so, we're only buying essentials right now!


QuoteThank you for the report ! Yeah, I can understand your mum doesn't want to show pictures of the family in the net... it would be great if you could post a few without you on them !

Oh, your brother's really young, I guess if I was that age I would have panic if I went lost... how old are you?

I'm 13, and my brother's 10! But he got lost once when he was 8, and I mean completely lost! In the studios he was taking a photo of a car, and dad said "I'm just going to get a hotdog in the cafe!" which was right next to the car but because it was so crowded and noisy, he didn't hear, and he heard the parade announcements and thought we'd gone there, so he wandered outside looking for us! We came back from the cafe with hotdogs for everyone, wondered where he'd gone, and went through all the shops! I stuck with mum, and we looked in the shops, and dad went outside the boulevard and searched everywhere! In the end we found him outside, sitting ready for the parade, crying, and looking around for us! And I've been lost MANY times before! Especially when I was about 3! I didn't realise I was lost though! Mum had a baby rein for me, and I worked out how to take it off!  :lol:


Oh yeah! I just remembered something really funny that happened! The shopkeeper in the davy crockett shop was flirting with my grandma!  :shock:

She was buying something, and he kept smiling at her, and once she'd bought whatever it was, he said "Here's your free gift!" and gave her a small plastic bag with a pot scrubber and 2 complimentary bottles of washing up liquid...

We joked on about it for the rest of the day! It was so funny!


Quote from: "MinniesBestPal"She was buying something, and he kept smiling at her, and once she'd bought whatever it was, he said "Here's your free gift!" and gave her a small plastic bag with a pot scrubber and 2 complimentary bottles of washing up liquid...

and they say romance is dead  :lol:
just like alice you\'re in wonderland


Lol! It was so funny! My grandma kept going "Hey, I think there are characters outside! Phoebe, Martin, hurry up and maybe we can catch them!"


JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING ELSE! I was talking about it in a different thread!

We went to the cowboy cookout for lunch, and grandma saw a mouse run under the table (She HATES mice, and we'd just been to honey I shrunk the audience...)

Anyway, she jumped up screaming "OH NO! A MOUSE! IT JUST WENT UNDER THE TABLE!!!" and then ran halfway across the restaurant. We sat watching it and chasing it away (my brother suggested we keep it and call it mickey!) anyway, we chased it off and then said "Grandma, come and sit back down and finish your hotdog!" but she refused to sit at the table, so we had to give her her hotdog, and she stood halfway across the room to us eating it. It was really weird!


She kept shaking her bags all day, and checking to make sure it wasn't in there!