What's your favourite ride?

Started by thekirtley, September 28, 2007, 04:49:15 PM

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Mine is Thunder Mountain , Phantom  Manor and the Tower Of Terror , Crush's Coaster and Cars Race Rally will be the next three on my list
I Love Disneyland Resort Paris!


Pirates!! I love it so much, that is the first thing I go to everytime We go!! lol


Pirates, without doubt. Since my first visit to Disneyland in Anaheim.


I do love pirates too :D
DLP visitor since the age of 2.
Part time Student, Full Time Disney enthusiast.


It would have to be Big Thunder Mountain, followed by Phantom Manor  :D/


In the Studios: Rock n Roller Coaster and Crush(possibly ToT after this year's visit)
In Disneyland Park: Pirates and Big Thunder Mountain
Yo ho, Haul together, hoist the colours high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars, Never shall we die!


hmmmm......pirates, crush, BTM, SM well actually all the rollercoasters really :)
And i have loved pirates ever since i first went on it :D


I went on crush's coaster in April and it is sooooooooo good! :D

Indiana Jones is really good too
DLP visitor since the age of 2.
Part time Student, Full Time Disney enthusiast.


Hmmm fav rides are big thunder mountain and buzz lightyear... can't choose between them!


Pirates. The atmosphere of the attraction is phenomenal, and DLP's has that cavernous queue... Perfection. No other ride does such a good job at transporting you into another world.


This is torchure!!!

Here are my top 10, and they're not in any particular order:

1. Small world
2. Phantom Manor
3. Space mountain
4. Peter pans flight
5. Big Thunder Moutain
6. Pirates of the Carribean
7. Buzz Lightyear Lazer blast
8. Tram Tour
9. Star tours
10. Honey I shrunk the audience (does that class as a ride?)


Hmm I like MinniesBestPal's idea of doing a top 10!!!

So here's mine:

1. Phantom Manor
I was such a wimp as a child that I didn't actually have the nerve to go on this ride until I went to WDW in 2005 at the age of 20!! And now I'm hooked on it!

2. Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast
Went on this a grand total of 6 times during my first visit to DLP last September, even though I can't hit the targets to save my life!

3. Snow White's Scary Adventures
Fairly obvious - a classic nostalgic ride based on one of my all-time favourites... and the Old Hag does still scare me slightly! :wink:

4. Pirates of the Caribbean
DLP's version of this ride is my favourite - I just love the queue winding through that huge castle!

5. Big Thunder Mountain
Haven't been on this ride since I was 16 due to my ex being scared of coasters! It's one of the things I'm most looking forward to about going back to DLP!

6. Peter Pan's Flight
I remember going on this ride when I was 3 years old and how amazed and stunned I was that we were actually "flying"! That's always stayed with me as one of my most enduring Disney memories and so this ride has to be in my top 10!

7. It's A Small World
Despite this ride having the most annoyingly catchy song you're EVER likely to hear :wink:, it's always been one of my favourites, and more importantly it's my Mum's too! :)

8. Le Pays des Contes de Fees
"Strange choice!" I hear you cry.... But this is such an endearing little ride that I felt it had to be included. The little miniature sets are so cute, and it took me 2 rides to spot the castle from Beauty & The Beast perched up near Casey Jr.'s track!... Also it's great if you want to relax and rest your feet for a while! :wink:

9. Mad Hatter's Tea Cups
This was the one of the first Disney rides I EVER went on in 1987 - to this day I still remember my Dad yanking the wheel round to spin the cup as fast as he possibly could!! :lol:

10. Star Tours
I always have loved this and always will - probably cos when I first went on it it was so realistic... Admittedly it could maybe do with an update now though!




Big Thunder Mountain is my all time favourite ride!
i love it!
"I could be the Alice to your Wonderland"


Quote from: "burntsienna"Big Thunder Mountain is my all time favourite ride!
i love it!
me too! I'm even getting the T-shirt on our next trip lol
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]


Quote from: "Clarebelle"
Quote from: "burntsienna"Big Thunder Mountain is my all time favourite ride!
i love it!
me too! I'm even getting the T-shirt on our next trip lol

yeah me too! im going soon and i cant wait!
last year me and my mum and sister and her fiance went and we went on it soooo much we decided to change the way we'd look on the photos.
by pullling faces or ducking down etc.
was funny, me and my sister were playing that game where you sing as you hit each others hands haha...sounds violent the way i explain it.
"I could be the Alice to your Wonderland"