Current Pin Prices DLRP

Started by Raffaele, August 06, 2007, 11:39:39 PM

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Can anyone confirm that prices are still the same for pins, ie

6.00 euro - standard edition
8.50 euro - slider or double layer pin
10.50 euro - Le' pin
Pins Pins Pins ...


6.00 euro - standard edition
8.90 euro - slider or double layer pin
10.90 euro - Le' pin

Some LE pins are still € 10.50 though.


yes you are correct
(visit to disney at end of July)

normal pins are €6 still
slider or multilayered pins are still €8.50
and the limited edition pins are around €10.50-€10.90
(many €10.90)


Don't forget the discount with your annual passport ;) 20 % right?

That makes the prices:

4.80 euro - standard edition
7.10 euro - slider or double layer pin
8.70 euro - Le' pin

Sounds a lot better he ? :D


The annual passport 20% discount is only for the dream
I think the fantasy passport has 10% discount


Quote from: "Japper"Don't forget the discount with your annual passport ;) 20 % right?

Only with the dream passport
The fantasy passport has 10% discount


Quote from: "Cinder"6.00 euro - standard edition
8.90 euro - slider or double layer pin
10.90 euro - Le' pin

Some LE pins are still € 10.50 though.

Yup that is the exact prices i bought mine for :P
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


Quote from: "casschr05"
Quote from: "Japper"Don't forget the discount with your annual passport ;) 20 % right?

Only with the dream passport
The fantasy passport has 10% discount

Limited edition merchandise has only 10 % discount.