What does the witch say ?

Started by Parkfisch, September 11, 2007, 01:08:13 AM

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Quote from: "Parkfisch"Watch my link of the Californian ride. What does she say there ? Maybe it's the same that she says in French in Paris ?!

I think a video of the French version could help more, because I could show it to a native speaker, but anyway, when I compare what I wrote above, I would say it's similar to the English "Magic mirror on the wall, in this disguise I fool them all", I just left the magic mirror part out. So I think it should be "miroir magique (followed by words I don't know or at least I don't remember), je suis déguisée, le tour est joué".

I never really understand what the witch says in the other scenes, I only get the word "pomme" which means apple. "pomme délicieuse" or something, but I don't really remember that "I such a partner" line.

Has anyone a link to a video of the ride in French?


Well, I've got an audio of some part of the ride. I'm trying to enhance the sound so I can make out what she says! But what I have made out, like Princess_cld says, is that she tells us is that the apple is delicious "Pomme Delicious".

That would then lead me to believe that the whole ride is spoken in French, rather than Snow White's tradtional German.

But it is really tough to make out!

Shall I upload the track if anyone wants to hear it ?