Toon Studio placemaking

Started by Anthony, March 14, 2005, 12:06:03 AM

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Quote from: "Baloo"Edit: Reading the topic on DMI, they suggest the black tarmac is perhaps temporary, to be replaced by final paving with those fibre optics dotted through them as the final step.  Now that would take this from "HORREUR TOTALE" to "magnifique!" :wink:

And on a plus side, Flying Carpets is looking nicer. :)

Yes I pray for it! In the moment it looks realy unfinished and provisional.
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...the DPG is watching U...


Those grey bricks (the larger ones) look like the fiber optic ones at Epcot.  I think this is the final version folks, otherwise, why reopen theFlying Carpets?
since 2001 (many before that)


Here´s a shot of the floor from

Aaaaaand it´s not the final version. The black tarmac will be replaced by something blue. With or without the fiber optic or an other effect.

Articel in french about the floor:
 :arrow: ... _1084.html

Mod Edit: Please post thumbnails, not full size images.
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...the DPG is watching U...


Ah yes, you can see how unfinshied the black edging looks.
since 2001 (many before that)


Yes it looks worst  :lol:
Something to fall over  O:)
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...the DPG is watching U...

miss disney fan

the black tarmac looks like they ran out of the tiles and just needed to patch in the rest with the cheapest thing on hand, lets hope they finnsh it of sooner rather than later


The new flooring looks ok, but I'm going to wait until the whole area is finished until I'll judge it.

In the mean time... Check this out!  

Source and more: Photos Magiques


cool i love the bendy lamps , and the back drops look very bright , its going to look great when it all comes together  :ears:


Cool, there's some nice touches coming in from DL with those lamps.  I am  a little worried about those boards though, they look like they will fade very quickly, I hope they are nicely maintained.  Also, the scale looks smaller than the other parks.  

Nice to see the wiring going in for the Neon on Cars!

I will reserve full judgement for when the place opens and I see it with my own eyes.  So far though, it looks promising!
since 2001 (many before that)


Dave, this is actual theming coming to WDS!!! Embrace it!!!!  :twisted:  :lol:


I´m sure the backdrop will look much better when they finished it :lol:
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...the DPG is watching U...


Quote from: "raptor1982"Dave, this is actual theming coming to WDS!!! Embrace it!!!!  :twisted:  :lol:

I'm trying to, but after visiting Disny resorts for 32 years and seeing the last 10 years at DLP (not to mention the state of Disneyland's toontown in recent years), I get really nervous.  I find it hard not to be a DLP cynic (balloon lights in the Village anyone?).
since 2001 (many before that)


I agree Dave but after my visit last week, may faith beagn to be restored. The Toon studios area looks so different to the rest of the park, getting back to a themed area, with all the things you expect from Disney. I only hope that they add plent evergreen landscaping. That was the single biggest difference between the parks recently due to the cold. Disneyland park still felt magical, but WDS is in danger of feeling like a carpark as there is so much grey tarmac, and the majority of the trees in the studio's didnt seem to be evergreen so there were plenty empty branches making it appear even more wintery


Quote from: "penfold12"I agree Dave but after my visit last week, may faith beagn to be restored. The Toon studios area looks so different to the rest of the park, getting back to a themed area, with all the things you expect from Disney. I only hope that they add plent evergreen landscaping. That was the single biggest difference between the parks recently due to the cold. Disneyland park still felt magical, but WDS is in danger of feeling like a carpark as there is so much grey tarmac, and the majority of the trees in the studio's didnt seem to be evergreen so there were plenty empty branches making it appear even more wintery

This is indeed good news.  My last two visits I came back very disappointed with the experience.  It has been about 7 months since our last visit, so hopefully it is improving.  All the activities for the 15th are making me very excited for our trip in June!!!
since 2001 (many before that)


Toon Studio is shaping up nicely. I can't wait to explore the new area in just 3 months time. For some reason I even would like to know how the queue of Crush's Coaster looks like, haha...  :)