Rayn's Trip Sun 13th - Thursday 17th Jan

Started by Rayn2409, January 20, 2008, 01:54:33 PM

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Well we are back after our best trip ever!

Guest Relations were on top form, giving the kids little donald ducks and all of us VIP fast passes to the rides.  We loved SL, great hotel and the staff were all lovely.

Full report to follow.. the only bad news was that the camera packed up so the piccys are a bit rubbish...!

however, loads to tell you about the parks and the Lady Love cocktails at the New York Hotel...sigh.....need to rebook I think!!!
DCR Nov Dec 1998 (Just the two of us)Davy Crockett Dec Dec 2001 (Baby makes three)DPH Dec 2002 (Baby still makes three but we thought we would go posh DPH Dec 2003 (WE LOVE POSH!) DPH Dec 2005 (twins arrive... babies make 5!!) NYH Jan 2007 ( 3 kids are expensive, decided not to be quite so Posh) SQ Jan 2008 (help, have to book two rooms now,gulp).

The Butlin Boy

I'm glad to hear you had a good time, I look forward to reading your report :)