Fantillussion on Bastille Day

Started by speedpacket, July 15, 2007, 10:05:30 AM

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Writing this short report from within my room in Holiday Inn while some of my fellow visitors are still trying to recover, snoring in the bed right next to me...  Hope I'll get them up soon...

Anyway - we came here to see Fantillussion Season Premiere and Bastille fireworks yesterday, and as usual, we gathered at Central Plaza as that is normally the best place to see the parade (you get to see al three stops).

Was I disappointed to see that the first stop didn't occur, and only stoppped when the first float was mid-Mainstreet...  It was absolutely hideous, because I had some friends that never saw the parade before, and were really disappointed, especially since some of the speakers went dead when the first stop at Central Plaza (Les Méchants) occured.  The effect was missing completely, andI still don't understand why they stopped the stopping sequence...

My guess is that with Candleabration added to the end of day events (you now have Fantillusion - Candleabration - Wishes), they tried to shorten the Fantillussion parade in time, but that just turned out to be worse for us...

Short summary: what used to be the best spot to see the parade now was the worst place I could imagine...

Also - I can't believe the egoism people tend to spread lately.  So many people that are right in front of the parade that stand up tall, putting their children on their shoulders (why would you do that if you are upfront?!?), blocking the view for other people...

I can't even count the people that just climb over the fences and go stand on the lawn around Central Plaza...  It is really incredible how people sweared at us because we were blocking that from happening...  Where is the respect of people (especially adults!!!) when doing that?

I hope Disney will be able to fix this, although I must say crowd control did a great job trying to remove people there, but sometimes they just have to understand it's useless, which is really sad...
Next visit:
13-14-15 February 2009 - Valentine in DLH Castle Club

Thank you Disney for introducing me to my girlfriend!  Disney truly is magical!!!


Thanks for the feedback, this worries me rather a lot, since this week I'm in the resort with 2 friends who have never seen fantillusion before either.  I do hope they sort this problem out soon, haven't dlrp learnt yet that they cannot do anything to change the parade and make it work?  I mean at Christmas 2005, they reversed and the music didnt work so well in sync, surely this should have shown them they should not try to alter its route or layout that's already timed. :roll:


Sorry to hear about the fantillusion parade...  :(

But what about the 14th July fireworks? I heard today from someone who's there that it was great!!
I would have loved to see this myself. Does anyone have a video of it maybe?

Oh and i've already said it, but Patmagic: have a great time!!  :wink:


Oh I hope to that they will fix the problem. My parents haven´t seen fantillusion too and I wish that it would be a great success cause the loved the main street EP so much!
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Wel, the next day (yesterday), we went to stand across Main Street from Harington's, and the view was a lot better, even though you till only hae two stops there...  I'm not sure where you can still have the three stops - I don't think you can, unfortunately.

The seemed to be having problems with some floats though, or with the synchronisation systemfor th audiotracks, and almost every float that passed us at Harrington's seemed to crash on the audio, and picked back up after it was passed...

Also, the lights on Beauty and the Beast float did go out for a while...

That said, the fireworks were really good although I missed a BIG FINALE, and it wasn't really clear to me that the end was meant to be the end of the show, as the music kept on playing, and it weren't really the big explosions at the end.

It really was good though, and we had a great time watching it...

Wishes was good too, as always!

I just love the fact that your day now ends with a ONE HOUR show (Fantillusion -> Candleabration -> Wishes) which really gives a "wow" feeling to new guests that just spent their first day ever in Disneyland...
Next visit:
13-14-15 February 2009 - Valentine in DLH Castle Club

Thank you Disney for introducing me to my girlfriend!  Disney truly is magical!!!