Adding room only night to package... Any experience?

Started by Mrsya, June 01, 2018, 11:22:45 AM

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No replies to my last post but hoping people are still out there reading and might have some advice on this one...

Has anyone booked room only and added it to a package booked direct with dlp? Last year we added an extra night at DCR by buying one night room only on Expedia for £150.

This year, I've rang up to see if I can buy it directly through dlp with a discount and they flat out said no. No discount. They said it can't even be added to our package and needs to be booked separately. As you can imagine, a one night holiday was extortionately priced!! £300 with no tickets or food!

I even asked what price would be for an extra night with food and tickets and he said they didn't have a cabin for my package price - after just telling me I could have a cabin room only for £300!

Anyone any ideas where I might find room only cheaper? Expedia is cheapest st £207!

polar vixen

I dont know what yhe perks are with the signaturre package. If it was only an extra 62 for the marvel one id take it! I think the benefits are awesome! The price we were getting for that was over 1000 so at 62 id take it!


I knew you'd reply! Bless you! Even if it's to my other post...  ;)

Signature package gets vip fastpass for one day, teatime with Mickey, goofy and Minnie at lucky nugget, photo pass for entire seat, a bag of goodies and changed my discount from 15 off to 25 off. We've gone for it!

Now to find a room only deal! 

polar vixen

wow that is absolutely awesome! Let us know what its like!