Early September 2018

Started by DisneyManiac, November 19, 2017, 03:13:01 PM

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Hey it's me again.

Just wondered what early September would be like for next year? Around the first week in?


We've been 4 times in early September and it's lovely.  Wait until a few days into the month so that the kids are back at school and it's pretty quiet.  5-15 mins wait for most rides.  Weather always very warm but it can rain occasionally (2 trips no rain, 2 trips had rain) so take a rain mac and more than 1 pair of shoes in case they get wet.  On the whole, I think September is a great time to go.


I agree!!! :)
Our last trip was mid September and it was so perfect that we're going again this September!
Kids were back in school so it was fairly quiet, rides were all open apart from POTC! They even started putting up Halloween decorations in Frontierland, so we got the best of both worlds. Plus the weather was beautiful, it was really warm blue skies and no rain for us! :)
We'd recommend it!


I have had a few trips in September and generally great, nice weather crowds not too bad. I will be back this year but going for the run weekend around the 20th.

Pete's Dragon

The majority our trips have been in the first 2 weeks of september. Weather is usually warm and sunny, the crowds aren't too bad and there are only a few ride closures if any.