Run disney 2018-experience needed please also info regarding haloween

Started by polar vixen, September 25, 2017, 08:59:35 PM

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polar vixen

Hi all. So we're planning on returning September 2018. There's so much gping on. Hopefully the food festival in the studios, oktoberfest in the village and we thought kids and hubby might do run disney. Now heres where i hit a snag. My boys have autism. This doesnt affect their ability to run and with the 200m would be fine anyway but my 8 year old would havr to run the 1k which adults cant run but hed need someone to keep directing him especially in the crowd at the finish line. Anyone know if anything like this is allowed? Are the characters who are present for the races allowed to all hotel guests or are the parks closed to the public while the races are going on?
Also when do halloween decorations actually go up? As this would be something w ed like to avoid.
Thanks in advance!


I'm not 100% sure about Run Disney so I wouldn't want to answer that incorrectly. However, I know Halloween decorations started going up this year on September 18th.
My Trips:
03/2009 DCR -- 07/2009 DLH -- 03/2010 Cheyenne -- 07/2010  DLH -- 12/2010 SL -- 03/2011  Cheyenne -- 08/2011 NBC -- 12/2012 HNY -- 03/2013  Cheyenne - 12/2014 SL -- 03/2016 Cheyenne -- 07/2017  Cheyenne - 12/2017 SL - 08/18 - Cheyenne - 12/2018 NBC - 07/2019 Cheyenne


I was at the RunDisney event this year (and the previous aswell). I didn't participate at the KidsRun but I heard and read (at the official Run Disney France Facebook) that many things went wrong with the KidsRun this year: kids in the last corral waiting very long (without parents) before they could start. Some kids even didn't get a medal because the medals were all gone. So I don't know if this would be a good experience for someone with autism... Maybe you can have your oldest son run the 5K Family Run with an adult next to him? This run is called a family run so there are a lot of kids participating with their parents. I would definitely recommend writing to Run Disney France (try the Facebook because they answer much faster there) and ask advice and more specific information.

I did however participate at the 10K and the Halfmarathon which was a truly wonderful experience. The characters during the races are there only for the runners. So spectators or visitors of the parks won't meet them.

polar vixen

Ok thanks for boys are aged 6, 8 and 12. All with autism and the youngest also with adhd. Really glad you told me of that experience cos it dwfinitely wouldnt go down well. My 12 year old could definitely manage the family run but the 6 year old also has hypermobility and runs like a baby deer.
Are halloween decorations restricted to a certain place or all over the park?


Don't know about the run.
But to answer your question about the Halloween decorations:
This year the Halloween decorations are mostly restricted to frontierland. but there are brambles in fantasyland.
But last year they where al over main street and frontierland and you could find decorations on other places like infront of pirates too.
I don't know what the situation would be next year. It could be that the decorations ate back in main Street but I am not  sure.

I don't know what about the decorations is troubling your kids. I understand autism and that some stuff or colors can cause a lot of stress with children and adults with autisme.
If it is scary stuff that is off limits you might be fine. Since the decorations aren't scary or meant to be scary.
You can see the decorations from this year on the ed92 twitter page.

If the decorations are really a problem I would recommend booking in the beginning of september and miss run Disney. I would rather miss a run than miss the whole of frontierland and fantasyland and have the change to stumble on to something that cause you and your boys a lot of stress an tears.

The 10k and half marathon go trough frontierland anyway. I am not sure about the kids races and the 5k since I havent seen any video's of them yet.

I hope I could be of any help
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polar vixen

Really good advice. Thankyou. We usually go early september. I was so excited by photos id seen i was tempted but based on what ive read about runs now might just be safer. We hace to keep things as predictable as possible. The furthest i can usually push it is to try 1 different restaurant otherwise holiday becomes so stressful its just not worth it (ds2 actually stopped talkong for 3 weeks cos we stated at a different hotel and id been ill befote we went so i didnt did picture prep with him beforehand).
Thanks all!