Birthday badge / phones call

Started by MrsRoachy, March 27, 2017, 12:15:47 AM

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Do you have to be there on the actual day for this? Silly question I know but we visit a few days after my youngest birthday and she would love something like this




They do not ask for proof that it is your birthday on a certain day. When I went for my 40th a couple of years ago I continued to wear my badge for the duration of my stay and I didn't get my phone call from Mr Mouse until 3 days after my actual birthday. So I suspect you could "move" the birthday on a couple of days or you could simply try asking at City Hall if they would be willing to help you celebrate a little bit belatedly.
Hope this helps.

'05 Santa Fe
'07 Newport Bay
'08 Santa Fe
'09 Disneyland Hotel
'10 Santa Fe
'12 Sequoia Lodge
'13 Santa Fe
'14 New York
'15 Sequoia Lodge
'17 Sequoia Lodge (Golden Forest)
'19 Santa Fe
I also visited in '98, '00, '02 & '03 and stayed offsite
