B&B Hotel

Started by amywayne2701, March 07, 2016, 07:17:50 PM

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Great to hear all the positive reports!
We booked 3 nights to stay in B&B this July. At €280 for 3 nights and a family of 4 it was hard to turn down :) With annual passes we can still get in for EMH etc.
How long does it take to walk to the parks from here. Is the shortcut through the ESSO for walking to the parks? You come out at Santa Fe and walk from there?
I'm wondering would we be better just driving our own car over early in the morning so it's there for us when we come out late and don't have to struggle with crowds getting on buses. Or is it much of a muchness as there'll be traffic getting out of the carpark anyway?

The walking option would be good to know anyway.
Thanks :)