does the voucher value change when you upgrade to full board?

Started by polar vixen, June 20, 2016, 08:49:00 PM

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polar vixen

We have the standard half board free for our booking in September, and as I'm going to need to pay for a couple of extra meals anyway I'm trying to work out how worth it it would be to upgrade to full board instead - the 2 meals would be buffets, so even the cheaper ones would be approx. 28 euro, and for the additional four half board vouchers i'm getting quoted £68 per adult, which we can still use in any standard buffet restaurant. 
my question is this though, if we were to use the voucher to dine somewhere like annettes (not on the plan I know, ) but at face value, is the face value of the voucher lower when you have full board than it is when you have half board? - the woman on the phone said the vouchers would only be worth about 16 pounds each - which is nothing compared to being able to use them in a buffet....
Anyone advise please?


I can't help with some of your question I'm afraid. But I do know if you got standard half board free as part of a package you cannot upgrade it to full board.

You would have to purchase a full board package - a new one. 


I was told I could upgrade to full board and we had the free standard half board option?  What we couldn't do was upgrade to a higher level of meal plan, ie Standard to Plus.   But she definitely told me we could pay extra and go full board.  So that's strange if you've been told different? 

Yes, what she told you is correct, the face value of the lunch voucher is less than the evening meal voucher, I think about £16 (€18) would be a good guess.  I know you can use them in the same restaurants and it doesn't make much sense but that's how it works.  If you scroll to the bottom of this page you can see the difference in price from Half board to full board and that is basically what the face value of the lunch vouchers is.

polar vixen

yup.  it actually gives it as an option- to upgrade from free half board to fill board which isn't a bad price but as we wanted to use face value a couple if times I'll have to work out if it's error l worth it.  thanks!


ah yes sorry you are correct!  you can upgrade to full board but just not the level of plan!


We have paid the 200£ to upgrade to std full board.  So just to get my head around this the vouchers are set to lunch & rea?  & they are different values? I wanted to book inventions for lunch, does anyone know how much extra I will need to pay  2 adults 2 kids
Santa fe may 15
Cheyenne sept 16
Sequoia sept 17


Yes, that is what I was led to be believe - that the lunch vouchers have a lower face value than the evening meal ones.

Face value of dinner vouchers is approximately €25 per adult and €13 per child.
Face value of lunch vouchers is approximately €19 per adult and €10 per child.

Lunch and Dinner are the same price at Inventions (according to DLP guide) so it would be cheaper for you to go for dinner rather than lunch because then you'd have less of a shortfall to pay.  It's €57 per adult and €31 per child so if you use the higher value dinner voucher, and go for dinner, then you'd have less to pay to make up the difference.