Stroller hire

Started by rosaliek, February 13, 2016, 04:10:00 PM

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Hi everyone,

Sorry in advance if this question has already been asked, I did have a quick search and couldn't seem to find any information.

We are going to disneyland for first time with our 3 year old and 20 month old. The 3 year old is quite a good walker so was thinking of only taking a single stroller for my younger son and hiring one if I needed it for my 3 year old. Are they quite readily available, so I could go half way through day if need be and hire one? Do you book them per day or can I hire one start of trip and just return at end? Do you know if they have double strollers to save taking 2 everywhere? And final question does anyone know a rough price? We only have one stroller here but can pick up a second hand one quite cheap on ebay/facebay etc so considering that as an option as well if it would work out cheaper (we're there for 5 days) although not really keen on taking 2 as I know he won't use/need it for airport etc and don't want to be taking more then we need to.

Sorry for so many questions, my head is in overdrive with excitement and planning for our first trip


They are available in the park,and if I remember correctly they have a board at the back for a child to stand on.
It isn't,t suitable for a young child to sleep in and I don,t think you can take it out of the parks.


They are available at €15 per day. You have to get one and return it the same day - you can't rent them for your entire stay or taken them outside the parks. If you have a Dream Annual Pass they are free - however in both cases (paid or free) there might be a deposit required. Also - be prepared for the returning takes some time, especially when you do so after watching Dreams (a lot of strollers are returned then).
There are no double strollers available.


Thank you very much for the replies. I think I'll look into purchasing a cheap second hand one. I hadn't thought of things like queuing to return them, being out later for dreams, and we also have buffalo bulls show booked one night too, so will be a few late nights for him. Don't fancy carrying a sleepy, heavy 3 year old all the way back to hotel every night after returning hired one.


In my experience be prepared for your 3 year old to need the stroller. If you can borrow or buy a double, do it. We took our good sturdy pushchair and just transferred our 18 month old into a sling when the 3 year old needed a rest. Worked for us but a double stroller would have been much more convenient.