Easter Weekend

Started by Slimy yet satisfying, January 28, 2016, 10:39:33 AM

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Slimy yet satisfying

Ok. Have just booked Inventions for Easter Sunday and Monday for myself and youngest son who will be celebrating his 13th birthday. As the rest of the family is either working or at uni we will be able to do everything that he wants instead of having to take everyone else's wishes into consideration. Unfortunately this means I have to do Crush and TOT instead of my usual bag holding.

Looking to book BBWWS for the Tuesday for the first time in ages (big sister has a massive allergy to the horses which we found out to our horror one year and spent the rest of the night in A&E!) but still cant get availability on ticketnet.fr for the 29th March, any ideas when they will be released?

Any suggestions of other things a mum and new teenage boy can do or go to eat? We are there 4 nights and 5 full days. We don't really have a budget as we usually travel as a family of 7, so being just the two of us we can really treat ourselves!

1992 Honeymoon DH
1994 Oct DH, 1996 Jan DH, 1998 Oct DH, 2000 Oct DCR, 2002 Jan SL....too many babies so a big break...2010 Mar SF, 2011 Mar SF, 2013 Jan Kyriad, 2013 Apr Gite, 2013 Oct Gite + 2nts DC, 2014 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 Oct Gite, 2016 Jan Gite, 2016 Easter Kyriad, 2016 June Explorers, 2016/7 NY Dream Castle and Gite, 2017 Feb Cheyenne , 2017 May Dream Castle,  2017/8 NY/Jan Gite, 2018 Feb Dream Castle Hotel, 2018 Nov Dream Castle, 2019 Feb Santa Fe.


Me and my son are booked at Inventions on Easter Sunday for my sons 7th birthday. The price change happens on 23rd March for BBWWS but not sure how to book tickets either. It's a few pounds more for adults. I'm planning now too


Me and my sister are at Inventions both of those days too!
Jun 2004, Dec 2006, Mar 2015, Aug 2015, Oct 2015, Feb 2016, Mar 2016, April 2016, June 2016, August 2016, October 2016, January 2017, February 2017, March 2017, April 2017, June 2017, October 2017, December 2017

Next trip: June and July 2017