
Started by pablo442, January 20, 2016, 12:39:32 AM

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hi everyone, new poster here so apologies if I am doing this wrong.

We are going to DLP in April and I have two questions about food choices.  The first is character dining.  We went a few years ago and had lunch in café mickey but are thinking of Inventions this time for lunch.  is that a good idea or do people think Café Mickey is better.  We have decided against ADC as we have some fussy eaters and one child is a boy so we didn't want to go too princess.

Our other meals are going to include some quick service and rainforest café but we also want to have one more nice meal.  There are 8 of us including 4 children aged 8,5,4 and 3.  we were thinking maybe chez remy but I have heard that the food there is not great for kids.  Would love people's thoughts or any other suggestions.



Inventions is a great choice, better than Cafe Mickey. You have all the characters, good athmosphere, good food! Try it!

For the other meal, check the menus and decide depending on children's taste. It's possible another buffet restaurant - Plaza Gardens or Agrabah, or Blue Lagoon (again a matter of taste), or why not Buffalo Bill Wild West Show.

08.1993 - DL Tokyo; 05.2010 - DLP; 11.2010 - DLP; 09.2013 - DLP; 09.2014 - DLP; 11.2015 - DLP
It's a small world after all


Thanks.  Not sure about Buffalo Bill and worried it might take up too much time (last time ran out of time anyway!) what about Annette's diner, is that any good?


Never had a bad meal in Annette's, and the CMs usually get really into the spirit of things. On the other hand, it's predominantly burgers & fries and gets crowded shortly after Disney Dreams! ends.


Burgers and fries sounds good for the kids and we would be eating early.  Any other sit down menus people could suggest?


Quote from: pablo442 on January 20, 2016, 10:20:03 PM
Burgers and fries sounds good for the kids and we would be eating early.  Any other sit down menus people could suggest?

Café des Cascadeurs and Bistrot Chez Rémy are both good ideas. Menu is quite short so check before you sit down.