New theming on construction fences in Frontierland

Started by bad-pink-tink, November 18, 2015, 12:42:54 PM

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I just checked Twitter and has posted some new photos from this morning Wednesday 18 November of the construction fences in Frontierland

Welcome to Frontierland, posters and signs are now decorating the construction fences throughout the land.
Lights have also been added to the fences, you would almost think we are in the US...
Every attraction got it's own poster, here's the one for Big Thunder Mountain:
Thunder Mesa Riverboat Landing, halted due to low water ;-)
Boot Hill, closed due to collapsing crypts & caved in catacombs.
A little bit less storytelling for Pocahontas Indian Village, but still a nicely themed sign.
There is even a smaller poster of the only real attraction open in the land. Phantom Manor!

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They are amazing, aren't they? Looks like DLP is heading to the right way and has nothing to be envious of its overseas siblings as far as attention to detail is concerned!



Loving them, I was worried that the fences were going to be left bare for the whole of the refurb but these posters are spot on.
DLRP 2000,01,02,03,04x2,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,13, 14, 2015 (Booked)

"Pumba, not in front of the kids"




There is lamps on them too! Holy moly you'd think we were in the states! I hope they do something similar when Adventure Isle closes, since it is the majority of Adventureland..


If anyone is interested the posters are up for downloading at the Disney and More blog.


Thanks for the link, msRavenswood. Has some interesting pictures of the refurbishments as well.





At Disneyland® Paris, there's a story behind every detail. Even when certain areas are fenced off for construction, the teams of Walt Disney Imagineering Creative Paris get creative. The Imagineers used the panels around the Big Thunder Mountain renovations and the Rivers of the Far West drainage to extend the Land's theme, lessening the visual impact on Guests while keeping the Frontierland story alive.

"No prospectors! No visitors!", "Western River Line announces that all river traffic has been halted due to low water" are just some of the phrases that decorate the panels around the Rivers of the Far West. Christine Tweedly and Laurent Cayuela, show writers at Imagineering, used this opportunity to inject a bit of humour, to add to Frontierland's background story, and to underline the links between the Land's various entities (Phantom Manor, Big Thunder Mountain, and even Cottonwood Creek Ranch).

A team worked on this project during almost two months, under the direction of Tracy Eck, Artistic Director at Disneyland Park. "The work surrounding the Lake will be extensive and will last several months, so it makes sense to decorate the panels. Not only will it help with our goal to minimize the visual impact for Frontierland Guests, but it will also distract from the construction, and be informative," explained Tracy.

Once the signs were created in English (naturally the main language in Frontierland, given its geographical location), they were also written in French – not simply translated word-for-word, but fully transformed. When the text was finalised in both languages, it was up to David Goebel, Graphic Designer, to transform them into images. He was inspired largely by the style of the time, in order to create the most realistic images possible. "I looked at how people communicated in the Wild West, in the 19th century; I researched what signs looked like, what kind of fonts they used, what kind of pictures. I also played with some of the images and graphics that are familiar to Guests at Disneyland Park, like Phantom Manor," he explains. David began his career as a ride Operator and Presenter at Frontierland, where he has since been able to mix his passion for art history with his work. This project is bringing David back to his geographical roots, but not for the first time: he had already worked on the tromp l'oeuil canvasses that covered the dry-docks at the Mark Twain and the Molly Brown.

Though Guests and fans have already been giving positive feedback on the signs, the definitive versions are not yet up. Soon, sturdier final versions will be installed, featuring embossed lettering. There's also talk of artwork that will feature photo opportunities for Guests along the panels. As for David, he's already starting new projects, like a trompe l'oeuil canvas that will go up between now and the Christmas holiday to hide Main Street Station.
When You Wish Upon A Star Dreams Can Become Reality
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..."like a trompe l'oeuil canvas that will go up between now and the Christmas holiday to hide Main Street Station."

Now that is good news, because I have heard a lot of people say the first view when entering the Disneyland Park now is not the most pretty one with all the scaffolding around Main Street Station.