Disneyland Paris to close on Saturday 14th November

Started by Alberto Frog, November 14, 2015, 06:35:24 AM

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I see the security measures similar to protecting your home from burglary.

Is someone wants to get in, they will no matter what you do, so only thing you can do is put measures in place to make it a harder target in a hope they go elsewhere.

This may sound a harsh way to look at it, but as long as you aren't a soft target and have some protection in place then they will hopefully go elsewhere else-   

So if it takes walk through metal detectors and scan bags then i dont have a problem with that.as long as not leaving the door unlocked so to speak!!

polar vixen

I like that at disneyland you can feel safe.  tbh I feel more on edge walking pat tge any people that parade outside abd through bag checks or if there are mounted police.  it makes me think they are concerned (yes they should be but I don't want to be reMinded of it at every turn) I think if you had armed guards within the park on corners etc it wouldn't feel a very magical place


Wouldn't they bring the army back?
I've seen those a number of times during my visits.
When I first visited in 2004, army was all over the park, that actually scared me more, lol.


It'd be great if they could dress up the army to make it fit a little more with the parks, Give them futuristic uniforms in Discoveryland, knight uniforms in fantasyland, cowboy uniforms in frontierland. Just so that they are still a deterrent (armed men and women usually are) to any terrorists but they aren't too distracting for the average guest.



thats great news
thanks for letting us know
13 days and counting


Quote from: mrpiggywinkles52 on November 16, 2015, 05:27:04 PM
It'd be great if they could dress up the army to make it fit a little more with the parks, Give them futuristic uniforms in Discoveryland, knight uniforms in fantasyland, cowboy uniforms in frontierland. Just so that they are still a deterrent (armed men and women usually are) to any terrorists but they aren't too distracting for the average guest.

A pair of mouse ears would go great, too!