christmas fireworks

Started by Filip, April 11, 2007, 12:55:06 PM

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Hi,... I am planning to go to DLRP in christmas time... Do you think they will do some fireworks everyday, as they did with christmas sparkling fireworks some years ago? its their 15 anniversary... I really dont know why they stopped,.... it was soo good! And I think it is a stupid excuse to say they can not because of the villages, firstly because some years ago they didnt have problems with it, secondly its just a small fireworks(compared to america, I would love someday to have them too,... do u think it maybe someday be the same as in america? people are also living there next to disneyland and dont have any problems with it,.. I know one guy and he loves to watch the fireworks from his garden... I mean in california) and thirdly they can do it at 20:00 because of christmas(it is dark earlier)-no one goes to bed that time.... Also I know that the sparkling firewoks were shorter but better for bigger effects than in summer...


No there won't be fireworks.  Reason is not the villages, but budget.


i know this is not the topic

raptor are you a cm from epc ?
Living The Dream Making The Magic


i have never seen fireworks at christmas , i did not know that they ever had them ?  :ears:


Look at this  
They were called Christmas Sparkling Fireworks..... I think they should do them again... Strange they have more money now than before... so its strange excuse about the budget... In 2002 they opened the studios,....  they also didnt have much money... But I think it is much better to have foreworks than the christmas ceremony(although it is also very good) Fantillusion + these fireworks.... and I think much more people would like it and come to DLRP


Correct me if I am wrong, but I was led to believe they had to open the studios due to aome sort of contract with the French government, and I was under the impression (though I hate to put it like this) that the whole 15th celebrations are a huge marketing ploy to get more people to come to reduce the debts.  But hey its a bl**dy good advertising campaign, and the improved numbers are showing that the park is definitely on its way to reducing the debts.


When i went at xmas 2006 there we n fireworks apart from new years eve
Where Magic Lives