Christmas 2015 - 5 day park pass or Annual Pass???

Started by Mintcar, August 16, 2015, 07:18:19 PM

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We are coming to DLP from 21st December - 6 nights.

I am looking at ticket options and can get 5 day passes from Travel Rep for £533 for the 4 of us - 2 adults & 2 children.

Would it be cheaper to look at annual passes online??  It gets so confusing looking at all the different info!!!

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Annual passes can save you some money in restaurants, shops, another holiday using the hotel discount but I think buying them would also depend upon how many times you are going to use them for a trip to DLP. I do miss mine but I couldn't justify buying them again when I couldn't get across from the UK more than twice a year max- I was looking into just purchasing one for someone in the party to take advantage of the discounts. I will purchase one again if we choose to stay out for more than a few days like we have previously- 10 days in an apartment because it was certainly worth the money.


Here's a link to details on the annual passes.

4 Annual Dream Passes would be £663. The reason I've selected the dream passes is because there's certain blackout days throughou the year at peak periods, so if you're going at Christmas it's pretty likely there will be days with the other passes that you won't be able to have access to the parks.

You also get a lot of benefits such as 10% off all restaurants, including some restaurants in the Disney Villiage which is exclusive to the Dream Pass - you don't get any discounts in Disney Villiage with any of the other passes. You can also get 10% discount in the lego store with a Dream Pass too. With the Dream Pass you also get 20% off in Disney stores around the park which can be a huge bonus especially if you have children who want everythingggggg!! (Like mine!)

4 Annual Fantasy Passes would be £508. You will get 10% discount in Disney stores in the parks and Disney restaurants.

There's another pass but they have so many blackouts days around Christmas it probably isn't even an option.

You can see the blackout days here -

The blackout days for the Fantasy pass are very reasonable, so if you're looking for value for money I would go for that. If you can spend a little more, and are planning on spending a lot in the parks I would go for the Dream pass.

You also get high discounts on hotels with the dream pass, and since you already will have annual passes it will make another trip during the year very low cost. It's already knocking off £500ish off the price of a second trip by not having to buy tickets. This is what we're planning to do.

We're getting annual tickets next August, hopefully trying to go again on Halloween because I'd love to see the decorations, and then again the following year a week before the annual passes run out. We're staying off site at a lovely nearly holiday home that's £400 for a week, so it's super good value for money. But since we're saving so much and will have hotel discount, we might splurge a bit for a disney hotel :)

Hope that helps x


Assuming children are under 12, then 2 adults and 2 children's APs -

Fantasy £414
Dream £508

Fantasy £480
Dream £575

Annual pass also gets you magic hours and save 15 Euros a day parking fee.
Planning WDW 2019
1997 DLP x2, 1998 DLP x2, 1999 DLP, 2000 DLP Millenium, 2002 DLP, 2003 DLR, 2004 WDW + DLP, 2005 DLP + DLR, 2006 WDW, 2007 DLP x2, 2008 WDW + DLP x3, 2009 DLP x7, 2010 WDW (+ extra week due to ash cloud!), 2011 DLR, 2012 WDW + DLP, 2013 WDW + DLP, 2014 WDW + DLPx3 (inc. daytrip for Ratatouille preview), 2015 DLR + DLPx3, 2016 WDW + DLP, 2017 WDW x2 + DLP, 2018 WDW + DLP x2. Coming up - ?


Thanks so much guys - a great help!  :)

My boys are 13yrs & 7yrs - I'll see what the hubby says when he gets home - I can get 'ordinary' passes for £533 from Travel Rep - but will look at the other links you've given me.

Thank you so much!
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The Fantasy Pass does look good as only one day is excluded whilst we'd be there!
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