Buffalo Bills a Wild West show.

Started by Olafswarmhug, February 08, 2015, 11:30:24 AM

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We're planning our trip to DLP and are wondering if the buffalo bills show is worth going to see. Thanks  :)


Hi yes in my opinion it is definitely worth seeing i see it every time we go to disney


Hi, yes its really worth it, especially if its your first time.  Theres 1st and 2nd category seating, with the 1st being more expensive,  we've used both and I don't really think its worth the extra money, you get an excellent view wherever you sit, in fact the best seats we had were the very back row.  They served your meal from the catering trolley and got absolutely loads compared to the lower seats where the staff are a bit more rushed.  Wish I was there now 


It is definitely worth seeing. Group of 13 aged 2yrs-55yrs & we all loved it.


We went to the show on our last trip and I have just been speaking with my niece tonight (age7) and discussing our next trip in May, I asked her what her favourite ride was and she said it was Buffalo Bills Show rather than a ride. She is very hard to please so must be pretty good!!!!

April 2011 & June 2012 Hotel New York
May 2013 Disneyland Hotel
Aug 2014 Disney Magic Med cruise
Aug 2014 Disneyland Hotel
May 2015 Disneyland Hotel


Not to highjack the thread, but has anyone bought the Billet Malin tickets for Buffalo Bill I have read about?  Or is it better to buy directly from Disney for this show?


Quote from: Nulles on February 09, 2015, 08:00:37 AM
Not to highjack the thread, but has anyone bought the Billet Malin tickets for Buffalo Bill I have read about?  Or is it better to buy directly from Disney for this show?

Billet malin are from disney too.
Go onto the french DLP site (ile de France) and book them there for a fraction of the uk site prices. We did this in nov. You get tickets to print at home (albeit in french) but never had a problem at all.


Just booked our tickets and it says to get there an hour before show time, do you really need to??


hi that is because there is entertainment to watch before you go into the main arena, i went about half hour before it started last time and caught the tail end of the music with goofy i think which was really good fun if i remember coreectly,mind you i haven't been for 3 years so could be wrong and think i will go an hour before this time to catch all the pre show music/entertainment.


When you go through the admission booths they give you a ticket with your team name and row number, i think the earlier you get there the nearer the front your row is, whether category 1 or 2.   ;D


definitely, its one of the highlights of my trip last year!

Quote from: girlinleeds on February 09, 2015, 04:53:06 PM
Just booked our tickets and it says to get there an hour before show time, do you really need to??

we were late due to me forgetting the tickets in our room and realising 10 minutes before you were supposed to get there for :-[ my bad! we got there after everyone else had gone in and were waiting to be let into the stadium so we didn't really have to queue and we also caught the mini show in the bar before everybody is seated so it worked out well.
August 2001 DLP, 3 days
September 2013 DLP, 4 nights 5 days, Santa Fe
September 2014 DLP, 4 nights, 5 days, Santa Fe
March 2015 DLP, 4 nights, 5 days. Sequoia Lodge
September 2017 DLP, 4 nights, 5 days, Newport Bay
November 2018 WDW, 14 nights, 15 days, Caribbean Beach Resort


Going next Monday night, can't wait to go! Shame the only booking we could get was the 2130 one 😟
New York hotel March 2013
Cheyenne February 2015
Newport bay Compass room February 2017


we are going next monday  evening  6.30 ,we booked the tickets from ticket master , cant wait. :D  :D  :D


Next tuesday for me we managed to get the 6.30 show


We got there just over a hour before show started and there was already a large queue. Once through you then wait in a bar area & we got pics taken with mickey & saw a show with goofy I then listened to some music.