buffalo bills seating question need help

Started by merlin, February 02, 2015, 03:28:53 AM

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Hi trying to book bbwws for 7 people but the website says i can only book for six if i make 2 seperate bookings would we be sat together or miles apart.do they choose where you sit or can you sit anywhere. Also noticed that if i book through the french dlp website its cheaper has anyone done this if so are there any pittfalls or is it just the same


You could try calling DLP and making the reservation by phone, I doubt they'll be too fussed about booking larger groups. :)

polar vixen

As long as tickets are within the same pricing range they are allocated on arrival at the show so you'll be fine


It's not seats as such it's a long bench, and as long as you all arrive together you will be given the same allocations when you arrive with your tickets they ask how many there are in the party and if you have any allergies/asthma as they sit you at the back then ( best view in my opinion). So doesn't matter if you buy the tickets together or not. Just arrive at the counter together.


Thanks for all your help my wife booked it today using the dining reservation number.
The thing I found worrying was we have only been given a refrence number over the phone and told to pay on arrival he didn't take any details other than her name is thus normal or should I call customer services to make sure would be gutted if we arrive in April to find there's a problem because we are looking forward to the show its sounds like a good night :D


That is all that's needed, but by Booking that way you are paying full price on arrival. Best to book online on the french DLP site the billet malin tickets are only €37-€42 depending on what time. Instead of €60 something. Then you will have actual tickets that you just print off at home.


You can also use ticketnet fr. We saved £100 for a family of 4. We also booked 11 tickets at once and just printed them off.