What time is best to be in place for the fireworks

Started by dementedde, May 17, 2015, 11:33:33 PM

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what time would you guys say is best to arrive in front of the castle and get a good viewing for the fireworks at 10?


This all depends on the time of year and day of week you go. I have been and got a good seat with only 30 minutes to go, others I have sat for 1.5 hours. The best bet is to go there an hour before the show and get a feeling as to how busy it looks.


Fireworks you can see from quite a distance away, Dreams you need to be nearer.

As Grovesie said, it all depends on how busy it is and also what the weather is like. Last August we got to the front about an hour and a half before (take something to keep you occupied!). As we were near the front, we could sit and wait, we also sat through Dreams too.
Planning WDW 2019
1997 DLP x2, 1998 DLP x2, 1999 DLP, 2000 DLP Millenium, 2002 DLP, 2003 DLR, 2004 WDW + DLP, 2005 DLP + DLR, 2006 WDW, 2007 DLP x2, 2008 WDW + DLP x3, 2009 DLP x7, 2010 WDW (+ extra week due to ash cloud!), 2011 DLR, 2012 WDW + DLP, 2013 WDW + DLP, 2014 WDW + DLPx3 (inc. daytrip for Ratatouille preview), 2015 DLR + DLPx3, 2016 WDW + DLP, 2017 WDW x2 + DLP, 2018 WDW + DLP x2. Coming up - ?