What time to start queuing for Princesses

Started by happytobe, November 19, 2014, 10:40:21 AM

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Just to say we did get to see our princesses - so thank you for the info. On the Tuesday, hubbie went to the old mill at 9am. The queue was to the pavilion. They started moving at 9.30am, and he was 57th in line and got a time of 1.20pm and was finished by 10am. He did say it was cold though, as was queuing in the shade. Queue in the pavilion with the girls was no more than 15 minutes, and we loved Anna and Elsa. Had enough time I felt, and got some great pictures.

As has been said - queue for Rapsunzel was the longest. Merida would have been about an hour I'd say max (we didn't do it.) Saw Tiana on last day, but my girls said she wasn't real as she didn't look like the movie :-( So although we did loads of princesses, I think our time is done. Didn't see any others around, but am sure they were there. All meet and greets appeared to be organised, so while you would have to queue, it was orderly and at least not pushy.