Anyone with disability been to DLP recently?

Started by emma.shane2, December 28, 2014, 06:18:41 PM

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We went several years ago and got a priority access card for both my daughters, the system back then was that you went and queued at the exit. However, we went to USA this year and in Universal studios and other non-disney parks they have a system where you get the card signed with a time to come back and ride. Can anyone tell me what the current system in DLP is please?? I read something about queuing up to get your times in the morning or ringing a bell or something?? We are thinking of going there for next xmas 2015.

Many thanks

polar vixen

Currently, it is the same as last time you were there, for MOST rides you queue at the exit, if the ride is busy though, you may be given a timed slot and asked to return later,  I think it was only for the PP that you needed to arrive early morning to get a ticket for later in the day.



Hi, I came back Christmas Eve and the only ride we were given a  time for during our visit was Buzz (and to meet the Frozen girls!) We went to get our time for the Princesses at around 9:30, once we had shown our EAC they give us a time immediately so no queueing then either